What is problematic internet use?
The internet appears to be capable of altering the mood, motivation, concentration, and producing a dissociating and disinhibiting experience for users. For some individuals, patterns of use can transform to abuse, taking on a compulsive quality… Many of the daily spheres of behaviour, including work, appear to be affected by this powerful technology.
Problematic internet use is addictive behaviour— and may include excessive or poorly controlled preoccupations, urges, or behaviours regarding computer use and internet access that lead to impairment or distress.
The problem is more common in adolescent males than females and is very often linked to playing online games. In severe cases, online activity takes over the person's life to the exclusion of all else.
Internet addiction has been documented and studied around the world. There are many young people around the world for whom the ability to self-regulate and manage their time online is problematic.
Online games
Computer games today may be very different to what parents remember. Games are online and interactive with players interacting with other gamers all around the world.
Online games can be very involved and immersive, mimicking real life achievements and interactions, demanding huge investments of time from large networks of players.
Online gaming can also be a concern when young children connect with people that they do not know. See the 'Online Grooming' fact sheet for further information on this.
Risk factors
Some young people have been identified as particularly 'at risk' of developing problems with excessive internet use. A young person could be at risk if they:
- suffer from depression and/or anxiety
- have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- lack social support and have few friends in the 'real' world
- are bored or stressed (using games as an escape from problems)
- are at higher risk of social isolation due to a physical disability
- face a breakdown in family or social bonds.
Signs of problematic internet use
There is no definitive list of signs that indicate problematic internet use but here are some things to look for:
- Losing track of time online, having trouble completing homework or household chores on time
- Racing through tasks such as homework to be able to get online and game
- Isolation from family and friends—replacing real friends with exclusively online friends or other gamers
- Feeling guilty or defensive about the time they spend online—"I don't have a problem; you are the one with the problem"
- Only feeling happy when in the gaming environment
- Withdrawal from daily activities, poor school attendance, withdrawing from sport teams
- Physical symptoms such as carpal tunnel syndrome, dry eyes or strained vision, back and neck aches, headaches, sleep disturbances, pronounced weight gain or loss.
What can I do?
Establishing that your child has a problem around their use of the internet or online games can be difficult. Their behaviour may quickly move from manageable to being difficult to manage.
Make sure you are with them online, check out the games they are playing for suitability and set clearly defined time limits.
Make sure the digital content is age and developmentally suitable for your child. The fact that others your child's age play the game is not a good guide as to its suitability for your child. Check not only the rating of the game, view the content as well.
Set very clear rules about your child's online gaming and have strict time limits. If you see your child continually trying to push the boundaries, staying online for longer than allowed or logging on when you are out or asleep, then do not ignore this.
Seek assistance sooner rather than later. Enlist the help of your child's school, wellbeing staff, your GP and/or a psychologist. The longer you leave this issue the harder it will be to deal with.
Printable advice sheet
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