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Organisation chart: Department of Education

Organisation chart for the Department of Education.

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Department of Education Organisation Chart - May 2024
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Department of Education structure

The Hon. Ben Carroll MP

Deputy Premier, Minister for Education and Minister for Medical Research

Hon Lizzie Blandthorn MP

Deputy Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council, Minister for Children and Minister for Disability


Jenny Atta

Office of the Secretary

Rebecca Haig (ED)

Senior Secondary Pathways Reform Taskforce

Scott Widmer (ADS)

Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority

Kylie White (A/CEO)

Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority

Chris Ingham (A/CEO)

Merit Protection Boards

Steve Metcalfe (Senior Chairperson)

Victorian Institute of Teaching

Peter Corcoran (CEO)

Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership

Marcia Devlin (CEO)

Financial Policy and Information Services

Tony Bates (DS)

Information Management and Technology

Elizabeth Wilson (CIO)


Sandy Carveth (ED)

Financial Services

Tonella Costa (CFO)

Budget Strategy and Funding Reform

Tim Barta (ED)

People and Executive Services

Kate Rattigan (DS)


Annette Wiltshire (ED)

Conduct and Integrity

Bella Stagoll (ED)

People, Strategy and Operations (VPS)

Gabrielle Reilly (ED)


Stu Teather (ED)

Employee Safety, Wellbeing and Inclusion

Helen Quiney (ED)

Operational Policy, School Engagement and Compliance

Elly Gay and Jane Carew-Reid (EDs)

Assurance, Knowledge and Executive Services

Shamiso Mtenje (ED)

Child Safeguarding Reform

Justin McDonnell (A/ED)

Policy, Strategy and Performance

Alex Kamenev (A/DS)

Planning, Risk and Non-Government Schools

Richard Johnson (ED)

Education Policy and Reform

Ellen Delany (ED)

Portfolio, Strategy and Planning

Melissa Clark (ED)

Performance and Evaluation

Daniel Wellesley (ED)

Early Childhood Education

Bronwen FitzGerald (DS)

Kindergarten Expansion and Pre-Prep Reform

Lisa Gandolfo (A/ADS)

Policy and Provision

Julian Reichl (A/ED)

Service Delivery and Engagement

Eugenia Voukelatos (ED)

Workforce Policy and Programs

Jacki Hayes (ED)

Quality Assessment and Regulation

Greg Norton (ED)

Early Learning Operations and Monitoring

Mathew Lundgren (ED)

Early Learning, Practice and Participation

Pippa Procter (ED)

Victorian Child Information Sharing and EC Systems

Jed Gilbert (A/ED)

Early Childhood Strategy

Darren Youngs (ED)

School Education Programs and Support

Stephen Fraser (DS)

Statewide Programs and Tech Schools

Nick Beckingsale (ED)

International Education

Linda Vaughan (ED)

Koorie Outcomes

Zack Haddock (ED)

Wellbeing, Health and Engagement

Claire Tobin (A/ED)

Inclusive Education

Sharon Barry (ED)

Victorian School Building Authority

Tom Kirkland (CEO)

Strategy and Planning

Jess Trinder (ED)

Major Projects and Property

Avril Shihab-Smith (ED)


Jacinta Blanch (COO)

Asset Management

Andrew Major (ED)

Project Delivery

Andrew Cook (ED)

Schools and Regional Services

David Howes (DS)


Jeanette Nagorcka (ADS)

Operations and Governance

Sally Carew-Reid (ED)

School Provision and Establishment

James Fletcher (ED)

Security and Emergency Management

Simon Milligan (ED)

Teaching, Learning and School Performance

Vacant (DS)

School Performance

Louise McDonald (ED)

Curriculum and Teaching Practice

Sean Box (A/ED)

North Eastern Victoria

Karen Money (RD)

North Western Victoria

Angela Singh (RD)

South Western Victoria

Chris Thompson (RD)

South Eastern Victoria

Ian Burrage (RD)

Schools Workforce

Andrea Del Monaco (DS)

Workforce Policy and Strategy

David Robinson (ED)

Schools Human Resources

Tony Bugden (ED)


  • DS = Deputy Secretary
  • ADS = Assistant Deputy Secretary
  • ED = Executive Director
  • RD = Regional Director
  • D = Director
