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Individual strategies

How to consider each child's circumstances and develop the most appropriate strategies against bullying.

Strategies for individual students

  • Establish a school culture that is clearly pro-learning, and where bullying and violence is neither accepted or expected.
  • Empower students to tell adults when bullying occurs.
  • Provide programs to develop students' resilience, communication, social, assertiveness and coping skills.
  • Change the physical school environment (e.g. conduct a playground safety audit) and improve teacher supervision in specific areas of the school grounds.
  • Increase supervision of students at particular times or places as identified by student feedback from the data collection tool.
  • Make access to support from a guidance officer, school counsellor or relevant allied health professional simple for students and parents.
  • Review technology access at school and introduce and review programs to increase the safe, smart and responsible use of technology.
  • Consider timetable or class changes to decrease the potential contact students may have with each other.
  • Consider mediation or conferencing for students involved with a trained teacher or peer-mediator to resolve issues.
  • Consistently apply appropriate disciplinary action against students who bully others.
  • Develop behaviour support plans for those students involved in bullying who require intensive support.
  • Establish a student support group if necessary.

More information

For more information and support, see:
