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Braybrook Primary School

Learn about the history of Braybrook Primary School, one of Victoria's oldest public schools.

Key information

Ballarat Road, Braybrook 3019
1 January 1873
31 December 2008
School type:
School number:
Other names:
Braybrook State School

How to find enrolment and other school records

If the school is open: contact the school directly to access your records.

If the school has closed: contact the Archives and Records branch via email or 1800 359 140 and they will assist you.

The history of Braybrook Primary School

  • 1873

    Braybrook opened as a state school in 1873. It replaced the nearby Albion Church of England School (No. 6).

    An average number of 59 children regularly attended the school.

    The bluestone schoolhouse had 2 rooms, a shingle roof and an earth floor.

    The first head teacher was Warren White. His staff were work mistress Jessie A. White, and pupil teacher Lionel A Soloman.

  • 1874

    A four-room house with verandah was built for the head teacher.

  • 1879

    The size of the schoolhouse was increased to fit 40 more children.

  • 1925

    The original bluestone schoolhouse was replaced by a new brick building.

  • 1946

    A new wooden building was added to accommodate the growing number of students.

  • 1950

    Parts of this wooden building were damaged in a fire and it was repaired.

  • 1960

    There were now 811 students enrolled at the school.

  • 1970

    The school was renamed Braybrook Primary School in 1970.

    The number of student enrolled had dropped to 480.

  • 2008

    The Braybrook Primary School closed in 2008 when it became a campus of Sunshine Harvester Primary School (No. 5526).

Find more information about this school

The Public Record Office Victoria (PROV) is the archive of Victoria's State and local government. They look after some of our oldest school records, and we can use these records to help us understand what school life used to be like.

PROV currently only have paper records for this school.
