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State electoral roll and electoral events

This output provides a high-quality electoral system that supports democracy in Victoria through administering an accurate and secure electoral roll, electoral services to ensure fair and equitable representation, the conduct of fair and impartial elections and encouraging greater participation in civic life through education and awareness activities and improving ease of access.

Results legend

* Performance target achieved or exceeded in a desirable way

** Performance target not achieved — within 5 per cent or $50 million (cost measures only) variance

*** Performance target not achieved — exceeds 5 per cent or $50 million (cost measures only) variance

Performance measureUnit2023–24 target2023–24 actualVarianceResult
Election events conducted by the Victorian Electoral Commission, including state elections and by-elections, local government elections, by-elections and countbacks, and statutory elections or pollsnumber2524-4%**
Election events invalidated by a court of disputed returns as a result of a proven claim against the Victorian Electoral Commission’s conduct of that eventnumber000%*
Meets timeframes for application of elector-initiated enrolment, direct enrolment and close of roll enrolment activity in the maintenance and accuracy of the register of electorsper cent9599.85.1%*
The 2023–24 actual was higher than the target due to the VEC's strong and ongoing commitment to ensuring that the Victorian register of electors is accurate.
Total output cost$ million42.666.455.9%***
The 2023–24 actual was higher than the target primarily due to additional special appropriation funding provided to the VEC and a component of the 2024–25 budget brought forward to 2023–24 to meet operational requirements; to undertake preparatory activities for the October 2024 local government elections; and for local government legislative activities and several unforeseen by-elections.
