The Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) demonstrated leadership across the Victorian public sector in 2023–24 through our commitment to policy and service delivery.
We welcomed back the Multicultural Affairs portfolio from the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH), and have helped champion our state’s rich cultural diversity with support for festivals, events and grants programs. DPC is also contributing to Victoria’s Anti-Racism Strategy, with work on this important strategy continuing in 2024–25.
We bid farewell to Industrial Relations Victoria, which joined the Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF) in February.
Significant progress has been made toward negotiating a Treaty with Victoria’s First Peoples, with formal negotiations set to commence in late 2024. The State and First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria have agreed and established all the elements required under the Treaty Authority and Other Treaty Elements Act 2022 and the Advancing the Treaty Process with Aboriginal Victorians Act 2018, including a Treaty Authority, Self-determination Fund, Treaty Negotiations Framework and a dispute resolution process.
DPC has coordinated the whole-of-government response to the Yoorrook Justice Commission, the first ever truth-telling inquiry into the historic and ongoing systemic injustices committed against Aboriginal Victorians since colonisation. The Commission’s final report is scheduled to be published in 2025.
We also led the implementation of the Victorian Mentally Healthy Workplaces Framework, in response to one of the recommendations from the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System. The Framework was published on the Victorian Government website in December 2023.
We have provided impartial policy and legal advice to the Victorian Premier and DPC’s Ministers, as well as administrative support to the Cabinet and — where required on Executive Council matters — the Governor of Victoria. DPC had a key role in supporting the inauguration ceremony for the 30th Governor in August 2023. We also helped facilitate the commencement of the Hon Jacinta Allan MP as the 49th Premier of Victoria, following the resignation of former Premier Daniel Andrews on 26 September 2023.
DPC delivered a number of events of state significance in 2023–24 on behalf of the Victorian Government, while providing whole-of-government advice on communications, protocol matters, research and advertising governance. One of the key events we organised, in conjunction with DFFH, was the Parliamentary Apology to Victorians who experienced historical abuse and neglect as children in institutional care. We also coordinated official visits from a range of international dignitaries, providing policy and protocol support, and assisted the Commonwealth-led ASEAN-Australia Special Summit in February 2024.
We are leading the implementation of Victoria’s Housing Statement, working with other departments and agencies to boost housing supply across the State.
Finally, DPC has worked alongside DTF to provide advice on the State Budget process and Victoria’s fiscal strategy, as part of the public service’s efforts to reduce administrative burdens while still providing key services to the Victorian community.
I am proud of our achievements and our adherence to the core public sector values of integrity, accountability, human rights, respect, impartiality, leadership and responsiveness. I welcome the release of our 2023–24 Annual Report.
Jeremi Moule