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Development of the Strategic Framework

We developed this Strategic Framework by speaking with people with disability and other diverse backgrounds through co-design workshops, focus groups, and interviews. We also consulted local councils, train, and tram operators. The co-design workshops were critical, directly informing the Strategic Framework's objectives and testing its elements to ensure they aligned with what participants said make an accessible transport system.

A person sitting on a bench with a stroller

We held multiple co-design workshops over several months, beginning in late 2021 through to mid-2022. We also held focus groups and one-on-one interviews with people who were not able to participate in the workshops. Many diverse groups of people were included.

The co-design workshops with people with disability and other diverse backgrounds were the first step in developing this Strategic Framework and were critical to its development. Feedback from these workshops has been the primary input to the Strategic Framework.

The workshops directly informed the objectives of the Strategic Framework, and we tested all the elements of the Strategic Framework with participants of the co-design workshops to ensure that they helped get us closer to what we have heard people are looking for as an accessible transport system and what would make the biggest differences to their experiences.

The role of co-design workshops feeding into the development of the Strategic Framework

  • Download 'The role of co-design workshops feeding into the development of the Strategic Framework'

At each stage of development of the Strategic Framework, the elements were tested with the participants of the co-design workshops to confirm that they aligned with the discussions and reflected workshop thinking.

In late 2023, people with disability, people from other diverse backgrounds and local governments reviewed a draft of the Strategic Framework.
