The Transport Accessibility Strategic Framework identifies the approach the Department of Transport and Planning will take in addressing accessibility gaps and improving transport experiences for everyone, particularly people with disability, in line with universal accessibility goals.
Please contact accessibility.strategy@transport.vic.gov.au(opens in a new window) if you would like to request a document in another format.
DTP’s vision is for Victoria to have an accessible transport system that is inclusive, easy to use and safe.
Development of the Strategic Framework
We developed this Strategic Framework by speaking with people with disability and other diverse backgrounds through co-design workshops, focus groups, and interviews.
The problem
People value reliable transport, respectful treatment, well-connected services, and inclusive experiences. Safety is crucial.
Policy and strategic context
The Strategic Framework aligns with various Victorian strategies, policies and plans. It supports the overall purpose and strategic directions for DTP and the State Disability Plan.
Our approach
DTP’s vision is for Victoria to have an accessible transport system that is inclusive, easy to use and safe.
Strategic directions
The Strategic Framework outlines four key strategic directions to enhance accessibility: Assets, Journeys, Organisational Culture and Public Behaviour, and Information and Innovation.
Identifying high impact upgrades
The Strategic Framework introduces a Prioritisation Method to address transport accessibility issues by evaluating impact and location. It prioritises upgrades based on safety barriers and user effort
Implementation and evaluation
The Action Plan will address all transport modes and outline key actions. Success will be measured by principles integration, network accessibility, disability feedback, and improvement counts.