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Workforce overview

As a result of machinery of government changes affecting DPC in 2022–23, the total number of departmental employees now stands at 529.9 full-time equivalent as at 30 June 2023. The transfer of corporate services functions and Digital Victoria to the Department of Government Services, as well as the incoming transfer of the Precincts and Land Coordinator General function and the Land Justice Unit to DPC, has seen DPC’s workforce numbers change considerably from the previous year.

Machinery of government changes will also mean workforce data for the Office of the Victorian Government Architect, Public Record Office Victoria and Service Victoria will be represented in their respective lead department’s annual report for 2022–23.

The distribution of DPC staff across the VPS grades remains proportional to reporting in previous years, despite the large change in overall workforce numbers. The number of women in DPC has increased to 66 per cent of the total workforce compared with 58 per cent in 2022. Detailed workforce data tables are provided in Appendix 2.
