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Social policy advice and intergovernmental relations

This output contributes to delivering strategic, timely and comprehensive analysis and advice on social policy to support government decision making.

This output also contributes to the strategic coordination of emergency management strategies and planning across the Victorian public sector.

Performance measureUnit2022–23 target2022–23 actualVarianceResult
Whole of government emergency management forums, meetings and exercises facilitatednumber2048140%*
The 2022–23 actual is higher than the 2022–23 target due to meetings held in response to October 2022 floods.
Key stakeholder satisfaction with advice and support relating to social policyper cent8510018%*
The 2022–23 actual is higher than the 2022–23 target because all stakeholders who responded to the survey were satisfied or very satisfied with the advice and support relating to social policy.
Provision of social policy briefings within agreed timeframes.per cent8583–2%**
Total output cost$ million19.727.238%***
The 2022–23 actual is higher than the 2022–23 target due to additional social policy responsibilities that were funded by the reinstatement of a Treasurer's Advance from 2021–22 to 2022–23.

Results legend

* Performance target achieved or exceeded in a desirable way

** Performance target not achieved — within 5 per cent or $50 million (cost measures only) variance

*** Performance target not achieved — exceeds 5 per cent or $50 million (cost measures only) variance
