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Self-determination policy reform advice and programs

This output supports the Victorian Government’s commitment to self-determination for First Peoples and to improving long-term social and economic outcomes. This includes progress towards treaty; engaging with the Yoorrook Justice Commission; and work to reform government to enable self-determination, as well as undertaking outcomes-focused reporting across the portfolio.

Performance measureUnit2022–23 target2022–23 actualVarianceResult
Number of Assembly and/or
State Assembly meetings held
The 2022–23 actual was higher than the 2022–23 target due to negotiations required to finalise the treaty elements in the previous term of government, and to support operationalisation of the treaty elements in preparation for formal treaty negotiations in the current term.
Government stakeholder satisfaction with coordination of Victorian Government’s response to the Yoorrook Justice Commissionper cent80879%*
The 2022–23 actual is higher than the 2022–23 target, indicating that the WoVG Working Group and Interdepartmental Committee were satisfied with DPC’s coordination of the Yoorrook Justice Commission response.
Completion of an Aboriginal-led evaluation and review of government performance under the Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework 2018–2023 and the National Agreement on Closing the Gap


Delivery of a public report on outcomes for Aboriginal Victorians to be tabled in Parliament by 30 June each financial yearnumber110%*
Total output cost$ million75.161.7–18%*
The 2022–23 actual is lower than the 2022–23 target due to delays in implementing Treaty and First Peoples initiatives, therefore DPC has requested the unapplied appropriations are carried over from 2022–23 to 2023–24.

Results legend

* Performance target achieved or exceeded in a desirable way
