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Appendix 4: Disclosure index

DPC’s annual report is prepared in line with all relevant Victorian legislation and pronouncements. This index has been prepared to help identify DPC’s compliance with statutory disclosure requirements.

Standing Directions (SD) and Financial Reporting Directions (FRD)

Report of operations

Charter and purpose

FRD 22Manner of establishment and the relevant ministers6–10, 69
FRD 22Purpose, functions, powers and duties1, 12–18
FRD 8Departmental objectives, indicators and outputs23–24
FRD 22Key initiatives and projects24–48
FRD 22Nature and range of services provided12–18

Management and structure

FRD 22Organisational structure11

Financial and other information

FRD 8Performance against output performance measures49–59
FRD 8Budget portfolio outcomes156–168
FRD 10Disclosure index178–180
FRD 12Disclosure of major contracts125
FRD 15Executive disclosures171–172
FRD 22Employment and conduct principles173–174
FRD 22Occupational health and safety policy174–176
FRD 22Summary of the financial results for the year120-121
FRD 22Significant changes in financial position during the year120-121
FRD 22Major changes or factors affecting performance120-121
FRD 22Subsequent events121
FRD 22Application and operation of the Freedom of Information Act 1982152–153
FRD 22Compliance with building and maintenance provisions of the Building Act 1993150
FRD 22Statement on National Competition Policy151
FRD 22Application and operation of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012153–154
FRD 22Application and operation of the Carers Recognition Act 2012150
FRD 22Details of consultancies over $10,000124–125
FRD 22Details of consultancies under $10,000125
FRD 22Disclosure of government advertising expenditure122
FRD 22Disclosure of information and communications technology expenditure123
FRD 22Statement of availability of other information177
FRD 22Disclosure of emergency procurement135
FRD 24Environmental reporting136–144
FRD 25Local Jobs First153
FRD 29Workforce data disclosures164–174
SD 5.2Specific requirements under Standing Direction 5.262

Compliance attestation and declaration

SD 5.2.3Declaration in report of operations1
SD 5.1.4Attestation for compliance with Ministerial Standing Direction119

Financial statements


SD 5.2.2Declaration in financial statements62

Other requirements under Standing Directions 5.2

SD 5.2.1(a)Compliance with Australian Accounting Standards and otherauthoritative pronouncements69–70
SD 5.2.1(a)Compliance with Standing Directions62
SD 5.2.1(b)Compliance with Model Financial Report62

Other disclosures as required by FRDs in notes to the financial statements

FRD 9Departmental disclosure of administered assets and liabilities by activity113–114
FRD 11Disclosure of ex gratia expensesn/a
FRD 13Disclosure of parliamentary appropriations71–74
FRD 21Disclosures of responsible persons, executive officers and other personnel (contractors with significant management responsibilities) in the financial report104–108
FRD 103Non-financial physical assets93
FRD 110Cash flow statements67
FRD 112Defined benefit superannuation obligations75–76, 94
FRD 114Financial instruments — general government entities and public non-financial corporations98–100


Aboriginal Heritage Act 200613, 37-38, 40-41
Aboriginal Lands Act 1970 41
Advancing the Treaty Process with Aboriginal Victorians Act 20182, 35-36, 128
Building Act 1993150
Carers Recognition Act 2012150
Child Employment Act 200332-33
Disability Act 2006151–152
Fair Work (Supporting Australia’s Jobs and Economic Recovery) Act 202131
Financial Management Act 19941, 62
Freedom of Information Act 1982152–153
Gender Equality Act 2020151
Human Source Management Act 202347
Inquiries Act 201436
Labour Hire Licensing Act 201832
Local Jobs First Act 2003153
Long Service Benefits Portability Act 201832
Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 202230
Native Title Act 1993112
Owner Drivers and Forestry Contractors Act 200532–33
Public Administration Act 20046, 16-17, 45-46, 70, 107-109, 164
Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012153–154
Traditional Owner Settlement Act 201042–43
Treaty Authority and Other Elements Act 202236
United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (OPCAT) Act 202247
Victorian Future Fund Act 202347
Wage Theft Act 202033, 70


Department of Premier and Cabinet


1 Treasury Place

Melbourne VIC 3002

(GPO Box 4912, Melbourne VIC 3001)

Telephone: 03 9651 5111


Administrative offices

Office of the Governor

Official Secretary

Government House

Government House Drive

Melbourne VIC 3004

Telephone: 03 9655 4211

Office of the Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Chief Parliamentary Counsel

Level 2, 1 Macarthur Street

East Melbourne VIC 3002

Telephone: 03 9651 2103
