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Executive government advice and support

This output contributes to:

  • providing strategic, timely and comprehensive support to Cabinet and Cabinet subcommittees
  • providing support to the Governor and maintaining Government House and its collections as a heritage asset of national importance
  • delivering analysis and advice to support evidence-based decision making across the public sector
  • providing whole of government community engagement and communications activity.
Performance measureUnit2022–23 target2022–23 actualVarianceResult
Whole of government forums, meetings and advisory groups chairednumber85928%*
The 2022–23 actual is higher than the 2022–23 target due to a greater number of meetings chaired by the Deputy Secretary of the Economic Policy and State Productivity group in the second half of 2022–23.
Number of briefs supporting Cabinet and Cabinet committee decision makingnumber1,200913–24%**
The 2022–23 actual is lower than the 2022–23 target due to a reduced volume of meetings that required briefings due to the caretaker period and new term establishment period.
Office of the Governor: Increase in the annual number of guests and visitors to Government Houseper cent5851,600%*
The 2022–23 actual is higher than the 2022–23 target due to increased guest numbers following COVID-19 restrictions impacting previous years’ results.
Number of projects and advisory support provided to departments facilitated by the Behavioural Insights Unitnumber60600%*
Office of the Governor: Government House accessibility and useability meets standards in asset management strategyper cent79801%*
Office of the Governor: Government House gardens and grounds meet standards in asset management strategyper cent85850%*
Satisfaction with services provided by the Behavioural Insights Unit to government agenciesper cent7010043%*
The 2022–23 actual is higher than the 2022–23 target because all clients who responded to the survey were satisfied with the level of service provided.
Relevant communication activity compliant with government advertising and communication guidelinesper cent 1001000%*
Office of the Governor: Support the Governor’s community engagement activities by arranging all internal and external events in a timely mannerper cent1001000%*
Timely delivery of State events and functionsper cent1001000%*
Total output cost$ million126.8168.433%**
The 2022–23 actual is higher than the 2022–23 target, predominantly due to supplementation funding provided to DPC to cover its operational requirements and donations to support humanitarian causes and events.

Results legend

* Performance target achieved or exceeded in a desirable way

** Performance target not achieved — exceeds 5 per cent or $50 million (cost measures only) variance
