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Departmental Output changes during 2022-23

DPC made the following changes to its output structure as set out in the 2022–23 Victorian Budget Paper No. 3 — Service Delivery:

2021–22 outputsReason2022–23 outputs
Government-wide leadership, reform and implementationDisaggregation of output groups to more accurately reflect service delivery, improve accountability and better align with standard output practice across government.

Economic policy advice and support

Social policy advice and intergovernmental relations

Digital strategy and transformation

Executive Government advice and services

Strategic advice and government supportDisaggregation of output groups to more accurately reflect service delivery, improve accountability and better align with standard output practice across government.

Economic policy advice and support

Social policy advice and intergovernmental relations

Digital strategy and transformation

Executive Government advice and services

Digital government and communicationsRenamed to more accurately reflect service delivery.Digital strategy and transformation
Aboriginal policy, strengthening Aboriginal cultural heritage and communitiesDisaggregation of output groups to more accurately reflect service delivery, improve accountability and better align with standard output practice across government.

Self-determination policy and reform advice and programs

Traditional Owner engagement and cultural heritage management programs

Advice and support to the GovernorAggregation of output groups to more accurately reflect service delivery, improve accountability and better align with standard output practice across government.Executive Government advice and services
Public administration advice and supportRenamed to more accurately reflect service delivery.Public sector administration advice and support

Source: 2022–23 Victorian Budget Paper No. 3 — Service Delivery

Due to machinery of government changes effective 1 January 2023, the following departmental outputs transferred out of DPC:

2022–23 outputsNew department
Digital strategy and transformationDepartment of Government Services
Management of Victoria’s public recordsDepartment of Government Services
Office of the Victorian Government ArchitectDepartment of Transport and Planning

Departmental objectives, indicators and outputs

DPC’s medium-term objectives, associated indicators and linked outputs as of 30 June 2023 are shown below.

Strong policy outcomes

Growth in economic investment and jobs.

Advice contributes to the achievement of government policies and priorities relating to economic and social outcomes, emergency management and industrial relations.

Economic policy advice and support

Social policy advice and intergovernmental relations

Industrial relations

First Peoples in Victoria are strong and self-determiningFirst Peoples in Victoria have increased control over decisions that impact their lives.

Self-determination policy and reform advice and programs

Traditional Owner engagement and cultural heritage management programs

Professional public administration

Support for Cabinet, committee members and Executive Council is valued and informs decision making.

Agency compliance with government advertising and communication guidelines.

Victoria’s electoral system is supported by an accurate and secure electoral roll, electoral services and conduct of fair and impartial elections.

Provision of high-quality advice to support evidence-based decisions that drive the progress of Victoria socially and economically as assessed by feedback from key stakeholders.

Provision of high-quality legislative drafting and publication services.

Advice contributes to the achievement of government policies and priorities relating to records management, Victoria’s electoral system, executive and parliamentary remuneration and public sector governance.

Executive Government advice and services

Public sector administration advice and support

Chief Parliamentary Counsel services

State electoral roll and electoral events
