Schools play a critical role in providing young Victorians with the knowledge, capabilities and skills to thrive in life.
As Victoria’s future workforce, school students must understand the post-secondary training pathways available to them and connect to the world of work. They currently do so through:
- industry and community exposure
- tech school engagement
- vocational tasters
- work experience
- structured workplace learning
- school-based apprenticeships or traineeships (SBATs)
- career planning and diagnostic tools.
Offering VET pathways in school is making a difference
An increasing number of Victorian students are enrolling in VET in school.56 VET Delivered to School Students (VDSS) is available in Victorian Government schools and allows secondary school students to undertake VET to complete their Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), including the VCE Vocational Major (VCE VM) and the Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC).
The VDSS program allows students to undertake structured workplace learning placements to gain practical hands-on experience in industry as part of their studies and learn about the multiple career options within an industry. This makes it easier for students to understand the benefits of VDSS and inform subject selection.
VDSS priority pathways includes VET certificates that align with Victoria’s growth industries and government priorities, such as renewable energy, construction, the care economy and digital technologies. Flexible pathways include additional VET certificates that are aligned to students’ interests, regional demand, and community needs. It is the aspiration for all government schools to offer all six priority pathways and two flexible pathways.
Now rolled out to all government secondary schools, Head Start is a nation-leading program that allows students to commence SBATs. Designed in consultation with industry, the program helps students start their career by developing the hands-on skills and experience that employers need. Students spend time doing this paid, on-the-job training while completing their VCE, VCE VM or VPC at school.
In 2025, two VCE VM studies – Work Related Skills and Personal Development Skills – will be available for schools to offer to all VCE students, giving them the opportunity to learn skills and knowledge in the context of ‘real life’ experiences. By building student aspiration for vocational pathways at school, the reforms are keeping young people engaged in education, helping them finish school with skill-based learning, an employability edge and their VCE.
Head Start is a nation-leading program that is helping many students start their career57
- 3,300 students
- 80% retention rate after first year of training contract
- 80% of employers would continue the program
Connecting school students to the world of work is essential
School students can explore work-based learning opportunities and gain exposure to different industries and occupations through industry incursions or excursions, engagement with Tech Schools, work experience and vocational taster programs. The latter are short, immersive experiences to learn more about a vocation or industry.
These programs are a valuable exploration for students to support decision making about future learning pathways, including undertaking VET certificates as part of their secondary schooling.
By providing young people with hands- on experience in a work-based setting during school, VET, Head Start, and vocational tasters can help dispel negative perceptions about particular industries, and promote the breadth of training and career pathways available to students.
One of the VET in school programs with the highest enrolments is the Certificate II in Building and Construction Pre-apprenticeship that prepares students for a future career in construction.
Pre-apprenticeships can help students prepare for, and obtain, an apprenticeship in their chosen industry as well as boost apprenticeship completion rates.
TAFEs and other training providers help pre-apprenticeship students transition into an apprenticeship and this transition can be strengthened to improve apprenticeship take up and completion.
Better information will benefit students and their influencers
The Victorian Government provides many resources to help students and their influencers navigate through study and career options. For instance, every Victorian Government school student can access a career diagnostic tool in Year 9 to inform their choices for senior secondary school and beyond by exploring their strengths, interests and career opportunities. It can also help identify work-based learning opportunities of interest.
The Victorian Government can further improve access to, and the relevance of, post-school training information. This can keep students engaged in education by reinforcing the value of completing Year 12 and help them make informed study choices that align with their career aspirations.
Strengthening school awareness of products like the VSA’s Employment Projections Dashboard supports schools to keep students informed of future skills demand and promising career pathways. Up-to-date career information must remain accessible to parents or guardians, as they have significant influence over the education decisions of their children.
The Victorian Government can also continue to enhance the promotion of VET in schools to employers. It would encourage more employers to engage with schools and provide students with a workplace learning experience or placement. Employers may also be more willing to offer SBATs through Head Start, which helps businesses by matching students with employers and providing follow-up so that the employer-student relationship is sustainable.
Next steps
- The Department of Education works with the Victorian Skills Authority to strengthen approaches that help students gain exposure to training pathways and industry to shape their future careers and develop in-demand skills.
- The Department of Education promotes the benefits of apprenticeships to secondary school students through career education, access to work-based learning opportunities and VET delivered in school.