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2.4 The clean economy transition presents many opportunities for Victorian workers

A rapid expansion of the clean economy workforce is critical to support the transition to a low-carbon economy and achieve Victoria’s emissions reduction targets.

The clean economy transition is transforming many existing jobs through new skills needs and emerging technologies. This provides Victorians with opportunities to re-skill, up-skill and move into new sectors. The State Electricity Commission (SEC) Centre of Training Excellence will be established to support the attraction, training and retention of Victoria’s clean economy workforce. At the same time, the Victorian Government has enshrined the SEC in Victoria's Constitution, providing certainty to accelerate the renewable energy transition.

As of June 2024, Victoria has an approved pipeline of 72 solar energy projects, seven wind energy projects, 18 battery energy projects and three bioenergy projects.11 These projects – mainly located in regional Victoria, will contribute towards the low-carbon economy transition and create jobs. The clean economy transition also presents opportunities to grow the skilled workforce needed for critical minerals production and associated industries.

A strong local manufacturing capability, supported by a highly-skilled workforce is enabling a successful clean economy transition. The Victorian Government has supported the expansion of manufacturers’ production capacity and capability to support the transition to a circular economy with net-zero emissions and low-emission technologies.12

The demand for clean economy skills and jobs is increasing

The Victorian labour market is already seeing growing demand for clean economy related skills, particularly in air quality and emissions, and conservation.

Many critical occupations that support the renewable energy transition, from generation to distribution and supply, are already in high demand in other sectors of the economy, particularly construction – for example, construction managers, electricians, and electrical engineers.13

Established and emerging renewable technologies will bring demand for a specific set of occupations and skills. For example, the proposed offshore wind Star of the South project in Gippsland will require divers, environment and approvals managers, and rope access managers and technicians.14

Victoria’s skills system is supporting the clean economy transition

The Clean Economy Workforce Development Strategy 2023-2033 informs government planning and investment in the skills and training Victoria needs to reach net-zero emissions, in line with state and national priorities under the NSA.

Initiatives implemented to date or in progress include the Victorian TAFE Network Clean Economy Prospectus, clean economy related Skill Sets, the upcoming Victorian Energy Jobs Plan, and energy-focused training such as the SEC Centre of Training Excellence and the Renewable Hydrogen and Wind Worker Training Centres. For more details, refer to the Skills Plan Implementation Update.

Through Free TAFE and Skills First, the Victorian Government provides fee-free or government-subsidised access to training pathways into clean economy jobs.

Selected VET pathways into clean economy jobs

  • Certificate III in Plumbing
  • Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician
  • Certificate III in Engineering – Mechanical Trade
  • Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology
  • Certificate III in Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
  • Certificate III in Automotive Electrical Technology
  • Certificate IV in Engineering
  • Certificate IV in Building and Construction
