National aspirations for a renewed approach to vocational education and higher rates of tertiary education attainment set new ambitions for the nation. Shared responsibilities between governments require a new approach to stewardship.
The National Skills Agreement
The five-year National Skills Agreement (NSA) between the Commonwealth and state and territory governments sets out new expectations for vocational education such as developing a skilled workforce, lifting quality toward excellence and responding to the learning needs of students to meet their aspirations in life. Central to the NSA is strong collaboration between TAFEs, universities and industry, including through TAFE Centres of Excellence.
The success of the NSA rests on shared stewardship of vocational education. The agreement acknowledges the direct role of states and territories and the shared objectives between governments. Shared stewardship, built on the key role of industry in vocational education – with TAFEs at the heart and reflecting the needs of learners – is the new framework to drive for excellence and deliver state and national priorities for workforce development.1
The Australian Universities Accord
Following a 12-month review of the Australian higher education system, the Australian Universities Accord Final Report provides recommendations to strengthen tertiary education in Australia so that all Australians can obtain the knowledge and skills to thrive in the jobs of the future. A central tenet of the Accord is to remove barriers to tertiary education participation and increase attainment across under-represented cohorts.
The Commonwealth Government has committed to the Accord’s target for 80 per cent of working-age Australians to have a VET or higher education qualification by 2050.2 The Accord highlights opportunities for stronger alignment and collaboration between higher education and the VET sector in a more joined- up post-secondary system to better serve learners, industry and governments.
Through the Skills Plan, the Victorian Government is progressing national skills reform
This Skills Plan reflects the power of collaboration to deliver a joined-up approach for Victoria that recognises national priorities for post-secondary education and training. Working together with national stakeholders in a tripartite arrangement through Jobs and Skills Australia solidifies this approach.
The series of Skills Plans is one of Victoria’s key contributions to national skills reform and Victoria is well progressed in its efforts as one of the first jurisdictions to release a comprehensive Skills Plan. Through the Skills Plan’s work program, several priorities and policy initiatives from the NSA and the Accord are already being actioned, with the Victorian TAFE Network leading the way.
Covered in the Skills Plans
National Skills Agreement
- Increase access to foundation skills
- Close the Gap
- Support the Net Zero transformation
- Strengthen the VET Workforce
- Support gender equality
- Develop Australia’s digital capability
Universities Accord
- Increase First Nations participation
- Improve participation in post-secondary education for people with disability
- Support placement students