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  1. Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (2024), National Skills Agreement Overview(opens in a new window).
  2. Department of Education (2024), Australian Universities Accord – Budget Summary(opens in a new window), p. 5.
  3. DJSIR and VSA modelling, 2024.
  4. This is an estimate of demand for workers and is not an indicator of workforce or skills shortages.
  5. This does not include the more than 300,000 existing workers who can be expected to change jobs each year.
  6. ABS, Labour Force, Australia, June 2024(opens in a new window).
  7. The Hon Brendan O’Connor MP (2024), Housing supply to be a national priority under the National Skills Agreement(opens in a new window), 8 March.
  8. Department of Treasury and Finance (2024), 2024-25 State Budget - Strategy and Outlook(opens in a new window), Budget Paper 2, p. 61.
  9. NCVER (2024), Apprentices and trainees 2023 – December quarter, DataBuilder.
  10. NCVER (2024), Apprentices and trainee outcomes 2023, DataBuilder.
  11. Department of Transport and Planning (2024), Renewable Energy Projects Victoria(opens in a new window).
  12. Victorian Government. (2023), Energy Technologies Manufacturing Program(opens in a new window).
  13. These occupations are identified by Jobs and Skills Australia as being critical occupations needed across many segments of the clean energy workforce.
  14. Star of the South (2023), Offshore wind jobs guide(opens in a new window).
  15. ABS (2013), Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies, Australia(opens in a new window).
  16. Jobs and Skills Australia (2023), JSA Foundation Skills Study Discussion Paper(opens in a new window), p. 3; DEWR (2023), Improving access to and support for Foundation Skills(opens in a new window).
  17. The Australian Industry Group (2016), Tackling Foundation Skills in the Workforce(opens in a new window), p. 3.
  18. Department of Education and Training (2020), The Future of Adult Community Education in Victoria 2020-25: Ministerial Statement(opens in a new window), p. 5.
  19. DJSIR (2024), The Adult, Community and Further Education Board Annual Report 2023-24(opens in a new window).
  20. Victorian Government (2024), Victorian Training System – First Quarter (Q1) 2024 Overview(opens in a new window), p. 4.
  21. Federal Financial Relations (2023), National Skills Agreement(opens in a new window).
  22. DEWR (2024), Qualification Reform Design Group initial advice to Skills Ministers(opens in a new window), p. 3.
  23. DEWR (2024), Qualification Reform Design Group initial advice to Skills Ministers(opens in a new window), p. 25.
  24. International Specialised Skills Institute (2024), Sustainable building using Passive Houses Principles Training program(opens in a new window).
  25. Monash University (2023), AI in healthcare: Career scope in Australia(opens in a new window).
  26. ACS (2023), Australia’s Digital Pulse, Victoria Edition(opens in a new window).
  27. Victorian Government (2023), Victorian Digital Technology Sector Factsheet 2023(opens in a new window); VSA analysis of Lightcast data. Job ads from 2022 and 2023 are included.
  28. Victorian Government (2023), Victorian Digital Technology Sector Factsheet 2023(opens in a new window); Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (2023), Attracting a diverse cyber security workforce(opens in a new window).
  29. Premier of Victoria (2024), Setting More Victorian's Up for Digital Jobs Success(opens in a new window), 7 June.
  30. AWSN (2024), 2024 Victorian Women in Security Program(opens in a new window).
  31. Victorian Government (2024), SummerTech LIVE(opens in a new window).
  32. Victorian Skills Gateway (2024), Get recognition for your skills and past study(opens in a new window).
  33. NCVER (2024), RPL at a glance(opens in a new window), p. 2
  34. NCVER (2024), RPL at a glance(opens in a new window), p. 2.
  35. Victorian Government (2024), Training for the clean economy 2024 (TAFE profiles)(opens in a new window), p. 55.
  36. ACECQA (2023), Actively working towards a qualification(opens in a new window).
  37. Victorian Government (2023), The Best Start, Best Life reforms(opens in a new window).
  38. NCVER (2024), RPL at a glance(opens in a new window), p .6.
  39. ABS, Labour Force, Australia, Detailed, May 2024(opens in a new window).
  40. ABS, Education and Work, Australia, May 2023(opens in a new window).
  41. The Hon Brendan O'Connor MP, The Hon Jacinta Allan MP, The Hon Gayle Tierney MP (2023), Free training for Victorians continues in 2024 under new deal(opens in a new window), 9 November.
  42. Premier of Victoria (2024), More Fee-Free TAFE Construction and Housing Courses for Victoria(opens in a new window), 22 November.
  43. Department of Education (2024), Higher Education Loan Program (HELP)(opens in a new window).
  44. Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (2024), Information for VET Student Loans students(opens in a new window).
  45. Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (2024), VET Student Loans 2024 Course List and Loan Caps(opens in a new window).
  46. Productivity Commission (2020), National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development Review(opens in a new window), Study Report, p. 17.
  47. Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (2008), Review of Australian Higher Education: final report [Bradley Review], p. 185.
  48. Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (2008), Review of Australian Higher Education: final report [Bradley Review], p. 185.
  49. The Hon Anthony Albanese MP, The Hon Jason Clare MP, The Hon Amanda Rishworth MP, The Hon Andrew Giles MP (2024), Albanese Labor Government to cut a further 20 per cent off all student loans debt(opens in a new window), 3 November.
  50. Fair Work Commission (2023), Annual Wage Review 2022–23—Adjustment of adult apprentices and trainee wages(opens in a new window), para. 30.
  51. Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (2024), Strategic Review of the Australian Apprenticeships Incentive System – Background Paper(opens in a new window), p. 23.
  52. Victorian Government (2024), Submission to the Annual Wage Review 2023-24(opens in a new window).
  53. Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (2024), Strategic Review of the Australian Apprenticeship Incentive System(opens in a new window).
  54. Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (2024), Inclusion scholarships for social work placements(opens in a new window); Department of Health (2024), Undergraduate (entry-to-practice) nursing and midwifery scholarships(opens in a new window).
  55. Department of Education (2024), 2024/25 Budget: New Commonwealth Prac Payment fact sheet(opens in a new window).
  56. NCVER (2023), VET in Schools 2022: students DataBuilder.
  57. Premier of Victoria (2024), Head Start is Helping More Students Earn their Wings(opens in a new window), 12 February.
