The Victorian Government is building on its decade of investments in training to deliver the skills the economy needs.
A key priority for the government is to ensure we have the workforce needed to deliver the most fundamental good – a home. The government’s Housing Statement puts forward a plan to tackle housing supply and we are ensuring that the skills sector will play its part.
We continue to offer Free TAFE in areas like building and construction to build the pipeline of skilled workers needed to deliver our once-in-a-generation infrastructure agenda, including the Housing Statement and the Big Build.
Our more than $4.6 billion investment in skills over the past decade is paying off through strong economic growth, deeper social inclusion and the many Victorians securing jobs and rewarding career opportunities. It is also providing industry with the right mix of skills to drive long-term growth and productivity.
An additional $555 million in the 2024/25 Victorian Budget will extend access to Free TAFE, support apprentices and trainees, and train more Victorians.
Our efforts must continue. In addition to housing, skills are vital for Victoria’s clean economy transition, driven by the shift to renewable energy. Digital skills are increasingly relevant across industries and occupations. Our advanced manufacturing sector is contributing to Australia's efforts to strengthen sovereign capability. And the care economy continues to employ the most workers of all industries.
The Victorian skills sector is meeting these needs through collaboration between the Victorian TAFE Network, universities, training providers, employers and unions.
Building on the comprehensive skills response set out in the first two Skills Plans, the Victorian Skills Plan for 2024 into 2025 presents the new priorities needed to ensure Victorians have the right skills to power our economy into the future.
The Skills Plan paves a way towards improving economic fairness by strengthening foundational skills and breaking down barriers for Victorians who face disadvantage in the labour market.
Making training more accessible and affordable no matter where someone lives continues to be a key priority. Our highly successful Free TAFE policy will continue to play an integral role in developing the pipeline of skilled workers and advocacy to the Commonwealth Government on Vocational Education and Training (VET) Student Loans could open up the doors for even more VET students.
VET qualifications must deliver the right skills and meet the needs of learners, communities, and industry as our economy transforms. Victoria continues to lead nationally in the reform of VET qualifications. We are also ensuring that recognising workers’ prior learning becomes easier and faster, so workers and industry can gain the benefits of qualifications. Connecting more school students to the world of work will help young Victorians get the most out of their schooling.
This year’s Skills Plan is another call to action for everyone in the skills system to work together to meet Victoria’s workforce needs, strengthen the economic competitiveness of our regions, and provide Victorians with the skills they need for the jobs they want.
I would like to thank the Victorian Skills Authority and its Advisory Board and Industry Advisory Groups, VET providers including the Victorian TAFE Network, and other stakeholders and partners who provided valuable insights to shape the 2024 Skills Plan.