OMR/E6 reports and maps
To find out if you are affected by one of these four proposals see Melbourne Planning Maps Online(opens in a new window).
Planning Assessment Report
Planning Assessment Report - Content and Cover Sheet
(opens in a new window)
Planning Assessment Report - Chief Executive's Foreword
(opens in a new window)
Planning Assessment Report - Executive Summary
(opens in a new window)
Planning Assessment Report - Chapter 1 - Introduction
(opens in a new window)
Planning Assessment Report Chapter 2 - Methodology
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Planning Assessment Report - Chapter 3 - Recommended Corridor
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Planning Assessment Report - Chapter 4 - Planning Policy Assessment
(opens in a new window)
Planning Assessment Report - Chapter 5 - Further Steps
(opens in a new window)
Planning Assessment Report - Appendix A - Concept Design Standards
(opens in a new window)
Planning Assessment Report - Appendix B1 - Alternative corridor options for OMR
(opens in a new window)
Planning Assessment Report - Appendix B2 - Alternative corridor options E6
(opens in a new window)
Planning Assessment Report - Appendix B3 - B3 Links to OMR/E6 Transport Corridor
(opens in a new window)
Planning Assessment Report - Appendix C - Management Measures
(opens in a new window)
Planning Assessment Report - Appendix D - Media Releases
(opens in a new window)
Planning Assessment Report - Appendix E1 - Cross Sections
(opens in a new window)
Planning Assessment Report - Appendix E2 - Design Drawings
(opens in a new window)
Planning Assessment Report - Appendix E3 - Longitudinals
(opens in a new window)
Planning Assessment Report - Reference and Glossary
(opens in a new window)
OMR E6 Technical Supplement
OMR E6 Technical Supplement - Front Cover
(opens in a new window)
OMR E6 Technical Supplement - Back Cover
(opens in a new window)
OMR Cultural Heritage Desktop Study
OMR Cultural Heritage report pages 1-29
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OMR Cultural Heritage report pages 30-35
(opens in a new window)
OMR Cultural Heritage report page 36
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OMR Cultural Heritage report pages 37-39
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OMR Cultural Heritage report pages 40-41
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OMR Cultural Heritage report page 42
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OMR Cultural Heritage report page 43
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OMR Cultural Heritage report pages 44-55
(opens in a new window)
E6 Desktop Cultural Heritage Assessment
E6 Transport Corridor Desktop Cultural Heritage Assessment March 2009
(opens in a new window)
OMR E6 Flora and Fauna Report
OMR E6 Flora and Fauna Section 1-4
(opens in a new window)
OMR E6 Flora and Fauna Section 5-8
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OMR E6 Flora and Fauna Appendix 1
(opens in a new window)
OMR E6 Flora and Fauna Appendix 2 and 3
(opens in a new window)
OMR Geotechnical Assessment
OMR Geotechnical Assessment Report
(opens in a new window)
OMR Geotechnical Appendix A - Locality Map
(opens in a new window)
OMR Geotechnical Appendix B Geological pages 1-4
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OMR Geotechnical Appendix B Geological pages 5-7
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OMR Geotechnical Appendix B Geological page 8
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OMR Geotechnical Appendix B - Geological pages 9-26
(opens in a new window)
OMR Geotechnical Appendix C - Site Photos
(opens in a new window)
OMR Geotechnical Appendix D Overview Maps - Borehole Locations GeoVic
(opens in a new window)
OMR Geotechnical Appendix E Overview Maps pages 1-13 - Boreholde Locations Victorian Water Resources Data Warehouse
(opens in a new window)
OMR Geotechnical Appendix E Overview Maps pages 14-25 - Borehole Locations Victorian Water Resources Data Warehouse
(opens in a new window)
OMR Geotechnical Appendix F1 pages 1-2 -Aerial Photos 1984
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OMR Geotechnical Appendix F1 pages 3-10-Aerial Photos 1984
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OMR Geotechnical Appendix F1 pages 11-18 -Aerial Photos 1984
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OMR Geotechnical Appendix F1 pages 19-26 -Aerial Photos 1984
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OMR Geotechnical Appendix F1 pages 27-34 -Aerial Photos 1984
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OMR Geotechnical Appendix F1 pages 35-38 - Aerial Photos 1984
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OMR Geotechnical Appendix F1 pages 35-38 - Aerial Photos 1984
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OMR Geotechnical Appendix F2 pages 1-10 - Aerial Photos 1966
(opens in a new window)
OMR Geotechnical Appendix F2 pages 11-23 - Aerial Photos 1966
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E6 Geotechnical Assessment of E6 Transport Corridor
E6 Geotechnical Report
(opens in a new window)
E6 Geotechnical Report - Appendix A (Locality Map) and B (Geological Map)
(opens in a new window)
E6 Geotechnical Report - Appendix C - Site Photos
(opens in a new window)
E6 Geotechnical Report - Appendix D (Maps - Borehole Locations GeoVic) and E (Maps - Borehole Locations Victorian Water Resources Data Warehouse)
(opens in a new window)
E6 Geotechnical Report - Appendix F1 (Aerial Photos 1984) and F2 (Aerial Photos 1966)
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More Information about the OMR
VicRoads Land Acquisition and Compensation brochure
(opens in a new window)
Alignment of Outer metropolitan Ring / E6 Transport Corridor - Fact Sheet
(opens in a new window)