Regular formal supervision with a trained and capable supervisor is important for staff wellbeing and practice development.
Supervision needs and requirements will depend on the service setting. Most services will have their own policies setting out standards. Different sectors and professions also have their own standards for supervision, including the AASW Supervision Standards 2014, the CASA Forum Standards of practice 2014, the Safe and Equal Code of practice: principles and standards for specialist family violence services for victim survivors 2020, and the Men’s behaviour change minimum standards 2018.
The following recommendations build on and align to the practice standards outlined above. They have been set following sector consultations and although they are not mandatory, provide a guide for minimum standards for best practice.
Supervision frequency and duration
Regular, scheduled supervision is a requirement for funded family violence, sexual assault and child wellbeing agencies and reflects best practice.
Supervisor to supervisee ratio
The ratio depends on the complexity of the work and type of role, and as well as the workload of the supervisor.
Supervisor training and capability
It is important for supervisors to build the capabilities to provide supervision that meets the needs of their supervisees.
Supervision notes
All formal supervision sessions should be recorded via supervision notes.
