The guidelines are for students on placement, volunteers, administration staff, practitioners, team leaders, coordinators, managers, supervisors in private practice and management of the Victorian family violence, sexual assault and child wellbeing sectors.
This includes:
- The Orange Door
- specialist family violence services
- specialist sexual assault services
- services that operate after hours
- child and family services.
The guidelines recognise that supervisors and supervisees come from various backgrounds and professional disciplines. They can be adapted to suit different contexts. Using the guidelines is just one strategy to strengthen supervision – and most programs and agencies already have effective supervision policies and practices in place.
Although the guidelines have not been written specifically for Aboriginal community-controlled organisations (ACCOs), ACCOs may still find them useful. Similarly, this information may be helpful for the broader community services sector.
The information applies to:
- one-to-one supervision
- group or peer supervision sessions
- policy development
- supervision training.
