This agreement describes how we will work together as a group.[1] It may be useful to complete this collectively at the beginning of the group and revisit it at the start of each session.
Supervisor/facilitator name: [this may not be needed for peer supervision]
Supervisees’ names/group members:
Group set-up
- For example, how frequently will you meet, for how long, and where?
- For peer supervision, who is responsible for organising and preparing for the sessions, noting that the chair could be rotated?
- Is this a closed or open group?
- For example, what is said in the group remains in the group.
- What are the limits of confidentiality?
Peer or group supervision goals
- What are the functions of the group? For example, reflective supervision. Refer to the section on ‘supervision models’ for further details about the four functions of supervision.
- What are the shared goals of the group? For example, to promote critical reflection, to support wellbeing, to support consistency and best practice.
- What will be discussed? For example, case studies, debriefing, sharing positive outcomes and achievements.
Ways of working
- What are our expectations of one another? For example, being on time, respectful listening, turning phones off, preparing for supervision etc.
- What are our shared values?
- How can we apply an intersectional feminist lens to the group, be culturally responsive and create a space where all group members are comfortable to share if they want to?
- How do we want to give and receive feedback or feedforward?
- How will we respond if/when conflict arises?
- How will we know if the group is meeting people’s needs? How will we let others know so everyone assumes responsibility for making it better?
Record keeping
- Who will capture/record notes?
- What is the purpose in keeping notes?
- Where will they be stored?
Date agreement is to be reviewed:
[Group members]
[1] Visit ‘Group supervision and peer supervision’ for definitions of groups.
