The Department of Families, Fairness and Housing acknowledges the expertise and knowledge of those organisations who have contributed to this document including:
- Safe and Equal and its member organisations
- No to Violence and its member organisations
- Sexual Assault Services Victoria and its member organisations
- Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare and its member organisations
- Victim Survivors’ Advisory Council members
- Family Violence Principal Strategic Advisors
- Family Safety Victoria and broader departmental staff.
We are grateful for the significant contribution of expertise and knowledge from Daphne Yarram, Chief Executive Officer of Yoowinna Wurnalung Aboriginal Healing Service, and her team to these guidelines. We acknowledge that the department is not the custodian of this knowledge. Where people are seeking to reproduce information in these guidelines related to First Nations peoples, they should engage with their local Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations to ensure it is culturally safe for their organisational context and location.
