On this page
Most recent quarterly statistics
Statistics – Quarter 4 2023–24
The following page provides data for April to June 2024 in relation to the various offences detected by the road safety camera system and the fines (infringements) associated with those offences.
Statistics - Quarter 3 2023-24
Data for January to March 2024 in relation to the various offences detected by the road safety camera system and the fines (infringements) associated with those offences.
Statistics - Quarter 2 2023-24
Data for October to December 2023 in relation to the various offences detected by the road safety camera system and the fines (infringements) associated with those offences.
Statistics - Quarter 1 2023-24
Data for July to September 2023 in relation to the various offences detected by the road safety camera system and the fines (infringements) associated with those offences.
Other data breakdowns
Driver compliance rates
See information and charts showing driver compliance on Victorian roads.
Road safety camera fine trends
Data showing the trend in fines for each of the 7 highways since the road safety cameras began operating.
Road safety camera fines by category
See data showing the number of fines versus official warnings and fines from fixed, mobile and highway cameras.
Road safety camera fines by location
Data showing top cameras locations for speed and red light camera offences.
Road safety camera statistics archive
Archived data for road safety cameras in Victoria.
Statistics FAQs
Every 3 months the Department of Justice and Community Safety publishes the number and dollar value of road safety camera infringements. For fixed intersection and highway cameras, this information is published on a camera by camera basis. For mobile cameras, a total is published for all mobile camera locations used throughout the quarter.
As there are approximately 2,000 mobile camera locations, the Department does not publish individual site results. However, where a mobile location has recorded a high number of infringements (i.e. within the top 50 for all cameras across the state, or top 20 for speeding infringements) the statistics provide information about these infringements.
These road safety camera sites are located in places with high pedestrian concentrations, namely strip shopping zones and school zones. There are clear road safety benefits to using road safety cameras to enforce 40 km/h speed limits. While there are benefits to driver and passengers, the primary road safety benefit is to pedestrians. Research shows that a pedestrian struck by a vehicle travelling at 60 km/h is unlikely to survive, whereas a pedestrian struck by a vehicle travelling at 40 km/h (or lower) has a much greater chance of survival.
Road safety camera speed enforcement in 40 km/h zones provides significant deterrence against speeding in those zones and contributes to a reduction in pedestrian road trauma.
Information published by the Department of Transport indicates that, on average, over the last 10 years there were 47 pedestrian fatalities and more than 690 pedestrians seriously injured in Victoria each year. These statistics are reported on vicroads.vic.gov.au.
Compliance rates for fixed cameras show that well over 99 per cent of vehicles that pass a fixed camera are at or below the speed limit. This is consistent with results for mobile cameras, which show that 99 per cent of vehicles that pass a mobile camera site are driving at or below the speed limit.
While the majority of people do the right thing, unfortunately there will always be those who choose to flout the law and drive dangerously. Speeding and inappropriate travel speeds directly contribute to at least 30 per cent of deaths on Victoria's roads each year and, for these reasons, maximum speed limits exist and are enforced throughout Victoria.
Visit the revenue from fines page for more information.
Speeding and inappropriate travel speeds directly contribute to at least 30 per cent of deaths on Victoria's roads each year and, for these reasons, maximum speed limits exist and are enforced throughout Victoria.
On average, intersections with speed cameras have seen a 47 per cent decrease in crashes on the road where the camera is placed and a 26 per cent decrease for all other roads leading into the intersection.
Fixed and mobile speed cameras reduce speeds and cut trauma because they are placed in high-risk or high-speed areas, areas with history of road trauma, or areas that will provide a road safety benefit.
To ensure that the data reported is accurate and has captured all the relevant infringements issued for the period, it is up to five weeks after the end of the quarter before the reporting process can begin.
As with any process, creating the reports to such a high standard takes time. After completion, the reports go through a number of quality checks and levels of approval to ensure 100 per cent accuracy. A minimum of three months must pass after the end of the quarter before the new data will be available online.
A number of factors can influence infringement volumes including the number of operational days in a quarter, seasonal traffic volumes, road works, camera maintenance and driver behaviour.
- Infringements are recorded at the offence date.
- The data is based on alleged speed, that is the speed for which is a motorist is fined.
- The number of infringements issued may be subject to variation over time as infringements may be withdrawn or reissued.