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Trialling new road safety camera technology

New camera technology is regularly trialled in Victoria to improve road safety.

New camera technology is regularly trialled in Victoria to improve road safety. Just as your computer is updated so too are road safety cameras.

Using cutting edge technology to target unsafe driving behaviours is important to help prevent road crashes from happening.

Trials tell us the technology is safe, effective and accurate before it's considered for use on our roads.

During a trial, the camera being assessed does not issue fines. Victoria Police continues to patrol as part of normal road policing and enforcement duties. They will enforce dangerous and risky road user behaviours.

New and emerging technologies that may be trialled include:

  • emerging technology camera devices and systems
  • new software and hardware
  • artificial intelligence and machine learning applications.

You may notice the trial when these new cameras are being tested. But at other times these trials will not be visible because it is a software change.

When a trial uses equipment that might be unfamiliar to drivers, we will publish information about it on this page, so you can know what to expect.

The Victorian Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030 commits to halving road deaths by 2030 and eliminating deaths from our roads by 2050. To achieve this goal we need more people to drive safely. Unsafe driving is a factor in too many preventable deaths on our roads. Road safety cameras are a proven tool, and we use them to remind drivers to obey the road rules and wear their seatbelts, not speed, nor use their mobile phones.

If you would like to learn more about the trials, you can contact the Department of Justice and Community Safety team by email:
