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Road safety camera fines by category

See data showing the number of fines versus official warnings and fines from fixed, mobile and highway cameras.

Official warnings vs fines

This data shows the number of fines and official warnings issued by Victoria Police for:

  • on-the-spot offences
  • traffic camera offences
  • unpaid tolls.

Numbers of official warnings don’t necessarily correspond to fines issued during the same period because a fine may be issued in one period and withdrawn in another.

If someone receives a fine they may ask Victoria Police for an internal review. The police can withdraw a fine and issue an official warning in its place.

Speeding categories

Speeding offences are broken down into categories, showing how much the speed limit was exceeded by. Data shows that most people exceed the speed limit by less than 10 km/h. Low-level speeding is a factor in the majority of speed-related trauma on Victorian roads.

Fines issued by fixed and mobile cameras

Fines issued by Victoria’s highway cameras

This data shows the numbers of infringements for each speeding offence category, issued via the main highway camera systems in Victoria:

  • CityLink
  • EastLink
  • Geelong Road
  • Hume
  • Monash (from January - March 2014 quarter onwards)
  • Peninsula Link (from July - September 2013 quarter onwards)
  • Western Ring Road.

Mobile phone and seatbelt detection categories

Mobile phone and seatbelt detection offences are broken down into categories, showing how the number of fines issued for:

  • driver touching a portable device
  • driver with a portable device resting on body, clothes or lap
  • driver failing to ensure passenger is occupying a seating position with an approved seatbelt or wearing the approved seatbelt or both
  • driver failing to occupy the driver's seating position with an approved seatbelt or failing to wear the approved seatbelt or both
  • unregistered vehicle.
