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Systemic reforms

Victorian Government departments committed to 6 systemic reforms.

These reforms aim to create positive changes to policies, programs and services and ensure the changes are integrated into organisational processes and systems.

This will further Inclusive Victoria’s goals of creating a fairer and more inclusive community for people with disability.

Co-design with people with disability

All Victorian Government departments have embraced co-design and use it in their work.

Aboriginal self-determination

Victorian government departments are committed to ensuring First Peoples with disability have power, control and decision-making over policies and programs that affect them. Examples of initiatives to implement Aboriginal self-determination across the Victorian Government from 2022–24.

Intersectional approaches

From 2022–24, a number of Victorian government departments focused on building capacity and frameworks that seek to address intersectional policy and program disparity.

Accessible communication and universal design

Accessible communication and universal design policies are being incorporated into Victorian Government ways of working.

Disability confident and inclusive workforce

The Victorian Government has been developing policies and programs to increase disability confident and inclusive workforces across the Victorian Public Service.

Effective data and outcomes reporting

We are making it easier to collect and report information across the Victorian Government. This information helps us create better policies and programs.
