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About the state disability plan outcomes framework

The Department of Families Fairness and Housing (the department) engaged the University of Melbourne to undertake two things:

  1. Refresh the State disability plan outcomes framework
  2. Apply the refreshed outcomes framework to produce an outcomes report for the current plan.

This refresh is necessary to ensure that the outcomes framework aligns with Inclusive Victoria: state disability plan 2022–2026 (the current plan). It also ensures we are using the best possible measures to monitor progress.

The research team worked in collaboration with the department and the Victorian Disability Advisory Council.

The research team comprised:

  • Dr George Disney
  • Dr Thiago Melo Santos
  • Dr Marissa Shields
  • Huixin Chen
  • Jessica Chaaban.

This section is in two parts:

Part 1 – Methodology for reviewing the State disability plan outcomes framework

Part 2 – The State disability plan midway outcomes report 2024.

Part 1 – Methodology for reviewing the State disability plan outcomes framework

Summary of the outcomes framework refresh

Below is a summary of the outcomes framework refresh, using the following titles:

  • Outcome – outcome areas as set out in the current plan
  • Indicators – indicators as set out in the current State disability plan
  • Headline indicator – this includes the headline indicators selected. For the 14 outcomes, the research team and VDAC selected headline indicators that provide an understandable summary of progress against the outcome. We have reworded some indicators for clarity. This also provides a rationale for why an indicator was not chosen as a headline indicator
  • Measures – this summarises the measures used. Full technical details of all measures are provided in the outcome report that follows this methodology report.

We recommend that future iterations of the outcomes framework explore alternative sources of data to report against these indicators.

Future development of the outcomes framework

In our discussions with VDAC there were some key themes that emerged about the gaps in the outcomes framework that need to be addressed.
