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Outcome 14: Opportunity

Headline indicator 14.1: Opportunities to pursue and achieve aspirations

Measure 14.1.1: Proportion of people who could work if accommodations were provided

14.1.1 Rationale

Employment is a key pathway for pursuing individual aspirations. People with disability who could work if provided with appropriate accommodations are a group with the potential to join the workforce and that would benefit from direct intervention.

14.1.1 Results

Measure 14.1.1: Proportion of people who could work if accommodations were provided
YearPeople with disabilityPeople without disabilityRelative inequality
20186.6%- -
2022Not accessible for this review--

14.1.1 Description of results

In 2018, 6.6% of people with disability who are permanently unable to work, responded that they could work if accommodations were provided.

14.1.1 Definition

This item was only asked of people with disability within the Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers.

  • Denominator: People aged 15+ years who are permanently unable to work
  • Numerator: People who could work if accommodations were provided

14.1.1 Data source


14.1.1 Data availability

Baseline year: 2018

Frequency: Next available in SDAC 2022 release

14.1.1 Technical note

The most recent release of SDAC (SDAC 2022) became available to researchers in July 2024. This release requires a project proposal, incurs fees, and can only be accessed through a secure data environment with vetting procedures. We were unable to access this data for this report.

This measure is based on a question that asks people who are permanently unable to work what their requirements are that could enable them to work. These include training, equipment and working from home.

Measure 14.1.2: Proportion of people satisfied with employment opportunities

14.1.2 Rationale

This measure considers if people feel they are getting employment opportunities that are appropriate and in line with their expectations.

14.1.2 Results

Measure 14.1.2: Proportion of people satisfied with employment opportunities
YearPeople with disability People without disabilityRelative inequality

14.1.2 Description of results

In 2018, 47.8% people with disability were satisfied with their employment opportunities. By 2022 this had increased to 58.8% of people with disability being satisfied with their employment opportunities.

In comparison to people without disability, people with disability were 0.76 times less likely to be satisfied with their employment opportunities in 2018, and 0.83 times less likely in 2022. While these data show clear inequalities at both time points, there is improving satisfaction with job opportunities for people with and without disability, and the gap is closing slightly.

14.1.2 Definition

Each measure is estimated separately for people with and without disability where data is available.

  • Denominator: All people aged 15+ years
  • Numerator: People with an employment opportunities satisfaction score of 8 or more

14.1.2 Data source

Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA)

14.1.2 Data availability

Baseline year: 2018

Frequency: Annual

14.1.2 Technical note

We are using satisfaction with employment opportunities as a proxy measure for the extent to which people with disability feel they are getting opportunities to pursue and achieve their aspirations.

People are asked to rate, between 0-10 the extent to which they are satisfied with things happening in their life. For this measure respondents are asked if they are satisfied with their ‘employment opportunities?’
