Inclusive Victoria: state disability plan 2022–2026 is a 4-year plan for the whole Victorian Government.
It sets out the actions the Victorian Government is taking to ensure our community is inclusive and accessible.
The plan puts the voices, experiences and aspirations of people with disability at its centre.
Inclusive Victoria has 175 original actions that involve all Victorian Government departments. It aims to transform the way the Victorian Government works by undertaking systemic reforms in 6 areas:
- Co-design with people with disability – make sure people with disability are at the table in designing policies, services and programs
- Aboriginal self-determination – work with Aboriginal Victorians with disability and listen to what works best for them
- Intersectional approaches – recognise and address the intersection of ableism with other forms of discrimination
- Accessible communications and universal design – build accessibility into everything the government does
- Disability-confident and inclusive workforces – train workforces to understand the social and human rights model of disability, and employ more people with disability
- Effective data and outcomes reporting – measure and share progress on the actions in Inclusive Victoria.
Midway review
In Inclusive Victoria, we said we would provide a review of our progress at the halfway point of the plan.
This document is our midway review.
We have organised the actions under the 4 pillars:
- Inclusive communities (31 actions)
- Health, housing and wellbeing (48 actions)
- Fairness and safety (49 actions)
- Opportunity and pride (47 actions).
Of these actions:
- 28 have been completed
- 139 are on track with 11 revised
- 8 are still to be progressed. The reasons some actions are still to be progressed include:
- some actions have been completed in part, but not yet in full
- some actions have been revised due to changes within Victorian Government departments
- some actions need us to work with other states and territories at the national level.
11 new actions have been added.
The outstanding and new actions respond to identified needs and will be implemented in the final two years of Inclusive Victoria (July 2024 to June 2026).
The status of each action in Inclusive Victoria, at the midway point, is listed at the back of this report.
The Victorian Disability Advisory Council (VDAC) will continue to work with the Victorian Government to monitor progress of Inclusive Victoria. VDAC will also support departments to implement actions.
We will release a final report on Inclusive Victoria in 2026.
Disability reform context
Our work on Inclusive Victoria takes place in the context of the recommendations of:
- the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability (Disability Royal Commission)
- the Independent Review into the NDIS (NDIS Review).
These recommendations are an opportunity for all governments to work together to build a more inclusive society. We want to support people with disability to be independent and live free from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation.
The Victorian Government will work with people with disability, their families and carers, the broader disability sector, the Commonwealth and state and territory governments.