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Key terms

Aboriginal self-determinationThe ability for Aboriginal people to freely determine their political status and pursue their economic, social and cultural development. It also describes self-determination as a right that relates to groups of people, not only individuals.
Accessible communicationsDeveloping whole-of-government strategies and approaches to ensure we meet the communication needs of people with disability.
Co-designCo-design means working in partnership with people with disability when designing policies, programs and services.
Disability Royal CommissionRoyal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability (DRC).
Headline indicatorsHeadline indicators are the main indicators we use to provide a clear, and simple, high-level view of how an action has progressed.
IndicatorsIndicators are statements that help us measure, track and report on outcomes for people with disability.
Intersectional approachesThe Victorian Government recognises and addresses the ways in which systems, structures and attitudes can lead to multiple and overlapping forms of structural discrimination and disadvantage.
NDIAThe National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is the Commonwealth Government agency responsible for the operations of the NDIS.
NDISJointly funded by the Commonwealth and state and territory governments, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides access to disability supports for eligible people with disability.
People Matter surveyThe People Matter survey is the Victorian public sector’s annual employee opinion survey. It helps public sector organisations build positive workplace cultures with integrity that live the public sector values.
SDASpecialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) funded by the NDIS.
Systemic reformsThese are areas of focus that are identified in Inclusive Victoria: state disability plan 2022–2026. They are part of the Victorian Government working differently to deliver inclusion and access and uphold rights.
Universal designMaking spaces, policies and programs that are inclusive, accessible and can be used independently by all people.
VDACThe Victorian Disability Advisory Council (VDAC) is a group of people with lived experience of disability who provide advice to the Minister for Disability about how to make Victoria more inclusive and accessible.
