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Outcome 10: Education and skills

Headline indicator 10.1: Educational engagement

Measure 10.1.1: Proportion of people studying for a qualification

10.1.1 Rationale

Studying for a qualification reflects engagement in education beyond the secondary level.

10.1.1 Results

Measure 10.1.1: Proportion of people studying for a qualification
YearPeople with disabilityPeople without disabilityRelative inequality









10.1.1 Description of results

In 2018, the proportion of people with disability aged 18+ studying for a qualification was 5.4%. By 2022, this had increased slightly for people with disability to 7.9%.

Compared to people without disability, people with disability have gone from 0.41 times less likely to 0.64 times less likely to be studying for a qualification. This data show that inequality in studying for a qualification has narrowed slightly, due to the increase in continuing education among people with disability.

10.1.1 Definition

Each measure is estimated separately for people with and without disability where data is available.

  • Denominator: All people aged 18+ years
  • Numerator: People currently studying for a qualification

10.1.1 Data source

Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey

10.1.1 Data availability

Baseline year: 2018

Frequency: Annual

10.1.1 Technical note

This measure includes any studies beyond secondary education, such as attending universities, technical colleges, industry skills centres and other educational institutions.

We created this measure based on two key factors. First, Victorian Disability Advisory Council (VDAC) found measures of educational attainment problematic, and while there was more positivity around other potential indicators – such as engagement and wellbeing – we did not settle on a consensus for an alternative headline indicator. Engagement in the education system was emphasised as being important by VDAC members.

Second, the Attitudes to School Survey – was not available to the research team. And even if it was, from reviewing its documentation, we are unsure if it could be used for monitoring.
