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Outcome 2: Inclusion

Headline indicator 2.1: Activity in the community

Measure 2.1.1: Proportion of people who regularly attend community events

2.1.1 Rationale

Community events include those which are free to attend, encompassing a wider range of participation.

2.1.1 Results

Measure 2.1.1: Proportion of people who regularly attend community events
Year People with disability People without disability Relative inequality








2.1.1 Description of results

In 2018, the proportion of people with disability who regularly attended community events was 36.4%. By 2022 regular attendance at community events had fallen to 31.5% for people with disability.

In comparison to people without disability, people with disability have gone from being 0.81 times less likely to 0.79 less likely to regularly attend community events.

This shows a declining trend in community event participation for both people with and without disability over the 4-year period.

Please note the monitoring period includes the COVID-19 pandemic when there were fewer community events. That said, the results highlight the ongoing gap in participation rates, with individuals with disability consistently less likely to attend community events compared to those without disability.

2.1.1 Definition

Each measure is estimated separately for people with and without disability where data is available.

  • Denominator: All people aged 15+ years
  • Numerator: People who attend community events sometimes, often, or very often

2.1.1 Data source:

Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA)

2.1.1 Data availability

Baseline year: 2018

Frequency: Annual

2.1.1 Technical note

This measure is based on the report of how often someone attends events that bring people together – such as fetes, shows, festivals or other community events.

Measure 2.1.2: Proportion of people satisfied with their community participation

2.1.2 Rationale

Satisfaction with community participation identifies if an individual’s participation in the community is meeting their needs.

2.1.2 Results

Measure 2.1.2: Proportion of people satisfied with their community participation
Year People with disability People without disability Relative inequality






43.2 %


2.1.2 Description of results

In 2018, 36.9% of people with disability reported they were satisfied with their community participation. By 2022, the proportion of people with disability who were satisfied with their community participation had increased to 39.4%.

In comparison to people without disability, people with disability have gone from being 0.82 times less likely to 0.91 times less likely to be satisfied with community participation. The data show a potential narrowing inequality in satisfaction with community participation between people with and without disability.

2.1.2 Definition

Each measure is estimated separately for people with and without disability where data is available.

  • Denominator: All people aged 15+ years.
  • Numerator: People with a community participation satisfaction score of 8 or more.

2.1.2 Data source

Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA)

2.1.2 Data availability

Baseline year: 2018

Frequency: Annual

2.1.2 Technical note

We use satisfaction with community participation as a proxy measure for the extent to which people with disability feel included with community activities. To measure satisfaction with community participation, people are asked to rate, between 0-10 the extent to which they are satisfied with ‘feeling part of your local community?
