Ten principles for good regulatory practice
The guide sets out 10 regulatory practice principles under 3 themes, with sub-elements that detail how these principles may be put into effect.
- Be clear on your regulatory outcome and the harms you are trying to minimise
- Establish and refine your approach to minimising harms
- Ensure your regulatory regime is fit for purpose
- Support duty holders to understand the value of compliance and harm reduction
- Support duty holders to comply
- Target regulatory effort based on risk of harm
- Evaluate and communicate your efforts and their impact on your regulatory outcomes
Enabling practices
- Work with regulatory peers and partners on shared harms and risks
- Be transparent and accountable for how you perform your activities
- Continuously improve your regulatory operations
View or download a full copy of the Towards Best Practice guide below:
Towards Best Practice is supported by a package of resources:

Companion paper for regulator chairs and boards
Through consultation with regulator chairs, BRV has produced a short paper for regulator chairs and boards. This companion paper supports implementation of the Towards Best Practice guide. It sets out guidance for chairs and boards including questions they can pose, measures to expect, and relevant board actions to support regulator performance.
This paper should be read in conjunction with the Towards Best Practice guide for regulators.
Companion paper for departments
Departments play a critical role in supporting regulator performance. This role relates to how departments develop relevant policy and legislation, and other matters.
In consultation with departments, BRV has produced a companion paper for departments. This should be read in conjunction with the Towards Best Practice guide for regulators.
Support and resources for regulators
The Towards Best Practice Handbook supports regulators to implement the 10 principles, with examples of approaches to delivery.
The Explanatory Guide helps regulators to understand the background and intent of the principles.
Practice Notes
The Remote Inspection Practice Note assists regulators on how to approach virtual or remote inspections to assess duty holder compliance.
Further practice notes are currently under development to help regulators to improve operations in specific areas of practice.