What we do
Better Regulation Victoria (BRV) works with the Victorian Government and community to support the analysis, design and implementation of best-practice regulation. We support the Commissioner for Better Regulation to:
The Commissioner and BRV work closely with Departments and agencies which are undertaking impact assessments, including Regulatory Impact Statements (RISs) and Legislative Impact Assessments (LIAs).
We engage with the relevant organisation at the beginning of the assessment and offer support throughout the process. This helps to ensure that advice to the Government is clear, comprehensive, evidenced based, transparent, and proportionate.
These assessments are based on the requirements of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1994, the Cabinet Handbook and the Victorian Guide to Regulation.
BRV provides regular training courses on the preparation of impact assessments for departmental and agency staff (including problem definition, option development and assessment techniques).
BRV also runs workshops on specific impact assessments for relevant staff to support them as they consider particular complex issues. We provide support and advice on specific issues at the request of Departments and regulators.
BRV works with businesses, communities, regulators, departments and other government agencies to improve how regulations are delivered. This includes providing guidance on best practices through Regulatory Health Checks and supporting government agencies on specific regulatory issues.
We liaise with the Victorian business community to identify ways to reduce regulatory burden or overlap, and to identify possible improvements.
The Commissioner chairs and convenes the Regulators' Forum - a regular meeting which brings together leaders from Victorian regulators
The Forum is an important vehicle to share best practice and hear from relevant guest speakers.
The Victorian Government supports competitive neutrality between government-owned and private enterprises providing the same service. BRV’s role is to undertake competitive neutrality investigations under the oversight and direction of the Commissioner.
Where a complaint is made, the Commissioner decides whether an investigation is necessary. If it is, the Commissioner completes the investigation and advises the government-owned business of any actions needed to ensure compliance with the Competitive Neutrality Policy.
The Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, the Secretary of the Department of Treasury and Finance may periodically request advice from the Commissioner on specific regulatory issues or other matters.