The Commissioner for Better Regulation independently assesses the adequacy of RISs and LIAs that are prepared by Victorian Government departments and agencies.
RISs and LIAs analyse and explain the impacts that proposed regulations and legislation are expected to have on Victorian communities and businesses.
An 'adequate' impact assessment is one prepared in accordance with the Subordinate Legislation Act 1994(opens in a new window) and its Guidelines (for a RIS), or the Cabinet Handbook (for an LIA), as well as the Victorian Guide to Regulation.
It should be logical, draw on relevant evidence, be transparent about any assumptions made, and be proportionate to a proposal’s expected effects.
Better Regulation Victoria (BRV) supports policy makers in the preparation and assessment of impact analysis. We offer clear, simple and practical advice on the Victorian Government’s requirements.
How BRV works with policy makers
We find that projects work best when:
Developing an effective impact assessment
As outlined in the Victorian Guide to Regulation, in most cases an effective impact assessment should include the following sections:
Additional BRV guidance
BRV has also prepared further guidance to assist Government departments and agencies preparing their regulatory impact assessments including RISs and LIAs.
Please contact us at for further advice on any other issues.
Evaluation toolkit
Frequently Asked Questions
Multi-Criteria Analysis
Other guidance
Other agencies have prepared advice on preparing or analysing regulation, which may be useful.
Notes for Guidance on the preparation of Statutory Rules
The Office of the Chief Parliamentary Counsel (OCPC) has published advice on preparing statutory rules, available at the OCPC website.
Penalty and fee units
The Department of Treasury and Finance and the OCPC have both published advice on penalty and fee units.
Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee
The Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee of the Victorian Parliament publishes a range of practice notes and checklists, as well as an Annual Review of Victorian regulations.
More information is available on the Victorian Parliament website.