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Family Violence Outcomes Framework

Translating Victoria’s vision to end family violence into a quantifiable set of outcomes, indicators and measures.


The Family Violence Outcomes Framework (FVOF) translates Victoria’s vision to end family violence, outlined in our 10-Year Plan, into a set of outcomes, indicators and measures. The 10-year plan helps to communicate key priorities, why they matter and what reform success looks like.

The 4 FVOF domains reflect the long-term outcomes to be achieved through the reform:

  1. Family violence and gender inequality are not tolerated.
  2. Victim survivors, vulnerable children and families, are safe and supported to recover and thrive.
  3. Perpetrators are held accountable, connected and take responsibility for stopping their violence.
  4. Preventing and responding to family violence is systemic and enduring.

The FVOF aligns with the Victorian Government’s overarching whole of government outcomes architecture, articulated in Outcomes Reform in Victoria.

Family Violence Outcomes Framework domains

  • Download 'Family Violence Outcomes Framework domains'

The FVOF was developed in consultation with the family violence service delivery sector, victim survivors and community members.

Download the framework:

Family Violence Outcomes Framework
PDF 294.14 KB
(opens in a new window)
Family Violence Outcomes Framework (accessible version)
Word 31.81 KB
(opens in a new window)

We have refreshed aspects of the FVOF since its first publication in 2016.

The prevention-focused domain outcomes and indicators have been updated to align to the outcomes and indicators published in the first action plan of Free from Violence and the refreshed Gender Equality Outcomes Framework.

New outcomes and indicators have been developed for the perpetrator-focused domain. This follows a significant refresh in 2020 in collaboration with sector stakeholders to ensure the domain reflects the need for a mutually reinforcing ‘web of accountability that links all parts of government, justice and social services sectors.

Indicators for the system-focused domain have been developed and existing outcomes refined, following the design of key operational elements of the family violence reform agenda, including:

New outcomes (and corresponding indicators) have also been developed to focus on early intervention.

FVOF Measurement and Monitoring Implementation Strategy

As we get closer to implementing all Royal Commission recommendations, we will use the FVOF to demonstrate progress and reform impact.

The FVOF Measurement and Monitoring Implementation Strategy outlines the whole of government staged approach towards outcomes reporting and outlines our planned annual reporting approach.

By gradually building the number of measures reported against over time, we will continue to develop family violence reform data, to understand the impacts of the reform.

Download the measurement and monitoring strategy:

Family Violence Outcomes Framework Measurement and Monitoring Implementation Strategy
PDF 530.08 KB
(opens in a new window)
Family Violence Outcomes Framework Measurement and Monitoring Implementation Strategy (accessible version)
Word 72.53 KB
(opens in a new window)

Reporting on the FVOF Measurement and Monitoring Implementation Strategy

The Ending family violence: annual report is part of the Victorian Government's commitment to annual reporting on the progress of the family violence reform.

The report includes an update on the FVOF measures and draws on the Victorian Government's Rolling Action Plan activities to show our progress against this stage in our 10-year plan, 'Ending family violence - Victoria's plan for change'.

Ending family violence: annual reports
