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Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme reviews

Find reviews on the operation of the family violence information sharing scheme.

The Family Violence Protection Act 2008 (the Act) enables the operation of the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme, Central Information Point and Family Violence Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management (MARAM) Framework.

The Act required there be independent reviews of the first two and five years of the operation of the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme. The two-year review was undertaken by a team of researchers from Monash University and focussed on the implementation of the Scheme.

The five-year review was undertaken by the Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor. The review considered the operation of the legal provisions giving effect to the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme, as well as the Central Information Point and the MARAM Framework.

These reviews and Government responses to the reviews were tabled in Parliament.

Five-year legislative review of the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme, Central Information Point and MARAM Framework

The review was tabled in Parliament on 17 August 2023.

Legislative review of family violence information sharing and risk management - May 2023
PDF 1.31 MB
(opens in a new window)

Find the full review by the Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor

Government response to the five-year legislative review

The Victorian Government has provided a response to the recommendations of the five-year review.

Government Response Legislative review of Parts 5A and 11 of the Family Violence Protection Act 2008 (Vic)
PDF 192.3 KB
(opens in a new window)

Find the Victorian Government's response to the five-year review

Two-year Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme review

The review was tabled in Parliament on 18 August 2020.

Find the full review by Monash University

Government response to the two-year review

The Victorian Government has provided a response to the recommendations of the two-year review.

Find the Victorian Government's response to the two-year review
