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Frequently asked questions about information sharing and MARAM

Our frequently asked questions (FAQs) provide information and responses to common questions from information sharing entities (ISEs) about CISS, FVISS and MARAM.

This page contains a list of frequently asked questions about the Child Information Sharing Scheme (CISS), the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme (FVISS) and MARAM. It also contains questions about related topics such as training.

Note the 'Schemes' collectively refers to CISS and FVISS.

Who can share and request information under the Schemes?

What do I need to know to decide what can and can’t be shared?

Sharing and responding to requests made under the Schemes

Intersections between the Schemes and with other laws


What is MARAM?

MARAM resources and information for organisations

MARAM resources and information for practitioners


Updating policies to include the information sharing schemes and MARAM

A number of workforces have had central updates to their policies to reflect the introduction of the information sharing schemes and MARAM.

See the below information for these workforces.

More information and contact details

Acronyms and glossary
