These interim documents will be updated over time, informed by:
- client feedback
- the experience of practitioners and service providers
- evaluation
- other evidence such as reviews and research
Contacting The Orange Door
People seeking services can call or attend The Orange Door in person without a referral.
Practitioners can call The Orange Door to make a warm referral or for secondary consultation. There is no direct referral form available from this website.
Integrated practice framework (interim)
This framework focuses on:
- coordinated delivery of The Orange Door
- consistent, integrated and collaborative practice
Brokerage program requirements
This document:
- explains the background, purpose, monitoring and reporting requirements of brokerage
- provides advice for practitioners about:
- how to determine who brokerage could support
- the type of goods or services that brokerage can be used for
- acquittal processes
- is intended to ensure consistency in distribution of brokerage
Client experience toolkit
The client experience toolkit provides tools and advice for delivering a positive client experience of The Orange Door. Practice tips and tools were tested with clients and workers as part of the Support and Safety Hubs Client Experience Design project.
The toolkit is being used in professional development for workers at The Orange Door.
Client partnership
The Client partnership framework for The Orange Door can be used to strengthen partnership with clients at all levels - from practice through to leadership and system reform.
The Client Partnership Strategy for The Orange Door offers a vision and roadmap to embed clients as partners in all aspects of work related to The Orange Door.
Service interfaces (interim)
These documents outline service interfaces between The Orange Door and a range of services and agencies.
They provide minimum statewide requirements to establish local processes.
Guidance for the interface between The Orange Door and sexual assault support services (including those delivered in MDCs), legal services and housing and homelessness services are being developed.
Further interfaces with other service sectors and agencies will be developed over time.
Magistrates' Court of Victoria
Community Operations and Victims Support Agency
Child Protection and Integrated Family Services
Men's Referral Service
Risk Assessment and Management Panels (RAMPS)
Victoria Police
inTouch Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence