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Family violence jobs

Make a difference in a career that’s meaningful, challenging and rewarding.

Could I work in family violence, sexual assault or prevention?

  • Are you empathetic, a good listener and communicator?
  • Do you want to work in a busy, dynamic and evolving sector that is receiving more government investment than ever before?
  • Do you want to change the story for people affected by family violence?

If this sounds like you, the Victorian family violence and sexual assault sector wants to hear from you.

Right now, there are opportunities across Victoria for people with diverse skills, experience, backgrounds and qualifications.

Roles in this sector are incredibly diverse – from case management and counselling, to policy and research, to training and communication. Find out more about the diversity of jobs by reading our case studies and watching A Day in the Life videos

For career changers

Do you work in the community services sector? Are you looking for opportunities to grow your skills in another, related part of the sector?

Then you could be exactly what the family violence and sexual assault sectors are looking for.

You can bring in your skills as a social or community services worker and transfer your skills and experience from other, related fields, such as psychology, housing and homelessness, drug and alcohol, mental health, child and family services, disability services, criminal justice and so on.

You will learn and grow through the support of your colleagues, on-the-job training and best practice approaches.

Working in family violence, sexual assault and prevention

Working with Aboriginal communities

There are many opportunities at Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations and other services for people with various skills, experiences and backgrounds to work with Aboriginal people affected by family violence. Be part of a team to make positive change with Aboriginal communities. To find jobs, visit the Family violence jobs portal.

Supporting diverse communities

The Everybody Matters: Inclusion and Equity Statement is a ten-year commitment by the Victorian Government that supports Ending Family Violence: Victoria’s Plan for Change to build an inclusive, safe, responsive and accountable family violence system for all Victorians.

A set of definitions are used in the Statement to build a shared understanding across government, the family violence service system, its workforces and across the community about taking an intersectional approach to better support those who experience or who use family violence, regardless of their gender, sex, sexual orientation, age, ability, race or religion.

What Types of Roles Can I Work In?

There are a wide variety of roles available in the family violence, sexual assault and prevention sectors, including in:

  • victim support services
  • perpetrator services
  • The Orange Door
  • therapeutic and counselling
  • Aboriginal services
  • primary prevention
  • policy and research.

For more information on the range of roles available, have a look at the Family violence jobs portal,

Specialist response roles

Other types of roles
