Eastern Community Legal Centre
Belinda Lo is the Principal Lawyer of Eastern Community Legal Centre in metropolitan Melbourne and has more than 20 years’ experience in the legal sector.
While completing a Bachelor of Law, Belinda regularly volunteered in community legal centres. When she graduated, she began a career in family law.
“As a family lawyer, a lot of my clients had family violence touch their lives and I noticed that, certainly back then 20 years ago, the legal response was not very high or appropriate,” Belinda says.
“When I later started work at a community legal centre, my very first client had experienced significant family violence,” she says.
“I helped to get an intervention order, arrange counselling and then watched her - already a strong, fabulous and resilient woman - become everything she wanted to be, because she was able to have support and leave the abusive relationship.”
“It made me realise ‘this is where I want to be’ and where I thought I could contribute. I felt that my qualification finally had some meaning for me.”
Belinda says she enjoys working with people to help them find their strength, advocate for themselves and feel empowered.
“I also love working with the other professionals, who I learn from every single day; it’s motivating and really inspiring. It’s a pleasure and honour to work in this sector.”