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Family Violence Reform Advisory Group

Purpose and role

The Family Violence Reform Advisory Group (FVRAG) purpose is to provide advice to the Minister for Prevention of Family Violence and relevant government departments to realise the vision set out within:

The group advises government on system level impacts of family violence reforms and opportunities for improvement in service provision. It meets at least 3 times a year and provides a forum to build the partnership between government and the sector. Their scope includes both prevention and response and providing advice on a range of reform priorities including sexual assault, workforce, The Orange Door, MARAM (Multi Agency Risk Assessment and Management), legal services, children, and housing.

FVRAG consolidates the Family Violence Steering Committee, the Industry Taskforce and the Ministerial Taskforce on the Prevention of Family Violence and other forms of Violence Against Women. It responds to recommendations 193 and 200 of the Royal Commission into Family Violence which asked for a committee to advise the government on family violence policy and service provision and recommended it include experts, victim survivors and system advocates with perspectives on both preventing and responding to family violence.


The group is co-chaired by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Family Safety Victoria and the CEO of Domestic Violence Victoria. Membership consists of external stakeholders, some appointed based on position and others by expression of interest, as well as representatives from government. Government organisations represented are Department of Premier and Cabinet, Family Safety Victoria, Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, Department of Education, Department of Justice and Community Services, Courts Victoria, Victoria Police and Respect Victoria.

Members appointed by position:

  • CEO of Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare
  • CEO of Domestic Violence Victoria and Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria
  • CEO of No to Violence
  • CEO of Our Watch
  • Chair of Victim Survivors’ Advisory Council
  • CASA Forum nominee
  • Chair of Dhelk Dja Partnership Forum
  • Aboriginal service representative, Dhelk Dja Partnership Forum
  • Principal Strategic Advisors nominee
  • CEO of Safe Steps
  • CEO of Victorian Council of Social Service

Members appointed by expression of interest:

There are also members appointed by expression of interest to bring a mix of expertise in service delivery, workforce, housing, legal, prevention and inclusion and equity.

Sector engagement

FVRAG will be informed by and can request a range of engagement opportunities to support thinking and to deliver on its work plan. These can include time limited Working Groups bringing together experts, to work on specific deliverables, high-priority issues or policy challenges as aligned with government priorities. It may also include workshops, symposiums and direct meetings with stakeholders.

Secretariat and contact

Family Safety Victoria provides secretariat support to the group.
