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Partnerships: Department of Education

Information on our partnerships with community groups and bodies.

Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership

The Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership (Academy) delivers evidence-informed and inspiring professional learning to Victorian teachers and school leaders.

Municipal Association of Victoria partnership agreement

Our partnership agreement with the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) outlines mutual support to:

  • improve outcomes for children, young people and their families
  • help ensure that every Victorian is given the best learning and development experience
  • make our state smarter, fairer and a more prosperous place.

It recognises the collaborative relationship between our department and councils in:

  • the planning, development and provision of initiatives
  • infrastructure and services across early childhood, schools, TAFE and training.

Principles of the agreement

The agreement provides a formal set of high-level principles to guide our partnership in its representation of local councils, committing both parties to:

  • mutual understanding and respect of mandates and responsibilities
  • transparency of financial relations, subject to relevant legislation and policies
  • mutual support in representations to the Commonwealth
  • awareness of synergies between us, the MAV and councils
  • sustaining and improving outcomes for children and families in all communities
  • fostering opportunities to work collaboratively, and transparent and timely communication and consultation.

Action plans are developed annually under the partnership agreement on a financial year basis. These are reviewed and updated throughout the year.

The agreement was signed on 30 March 2018.

Achievements of the partnership

  1. The Early Years Compact is a compact between our department, the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFS) and local government (represented by MAV) 2017-2027 Supporting Children and Families in the Early Years was signed on 28 April 2017.
  2. Review of the early childhood agreement for children in out of home care and subsequent improvements including the confirmation of local government positions to support the agreement, and weekly notification of data.
  3. Development of the new Maternal and Child Health Service memorandum of understanding (PDF)
  4. Joint advocacy on universal access to support continued Commonwealth funding for 15 hours of kindergarten funding.
  5. Representation on a variety of our governance groups, including:
    1. Victorian Children’s Council
    2. DET Coleman Foundation Partnership Committee
    3. Early Years Compact Board and Compact Steering Group
    4. Marrung Central Governance Board
    5. New Technical Schools State-Wide Policy Implementation Panel
    6. Maternal and Child Health Expert Reference Group
    7. Children and Youth Implementation Working Group
    8. Early Childhood Development Advisory Group.

Download the partnership agreement

Visit the Municipal Association of Victoria to read more about the agreement.

Victorian Community sector partnership agreement

In September 2018 the Secretary of the Department and the CEO of Victorian Council of Social Service (VCOSS) signed the 'Department-Victorian Community Sector Partnership Agreement 2018-22', refreshing the 2014-2018 partnership agreement.

The partnership agreement recognises the community sector as an important partner in the development of policy, the delivery of services and the improvement of outcomes of all Victorians, particularly for those who are vulnerable or experiencing disadvantage.

It recommits our increased collaboration, consultation and engagement with the community sector. The aims of the partnership agreement are achieved through annual action plans agreed to by our department and VCOSS, who is responsible for furthering the partnership on behalf of the sector.

Principles of the agreement

This agreement is based upon a model of engagement emphasising cooperation and commitment to the following principles:

  • a shared vision to achieve the best possible learning and development outcomes for all Victorians, particularly the vulnerable or disadvantaged
  • mutual respect for each partner’s autonomy and responsibilities, while recognising that true partnership may require change, innovation, and risk
  • collaboration and the fostering of opportunities to work together on issues of mutual benefit or concern
  • communication, consultation, and engagement on decisions by one partner that will impact upon the other
  • transparency of financial relations between our department, VCOSS and the sector, subject to relevant legislation and policies
  • a relationship that celebrates success, addresses challenges and acknowledges contributions to outcomes that are achieved
  • joint leadership of the partnership, including joint agenda setting.

Achievements of the partnership

Some significant achievements to date include:

  • the establishment of the 'Victorian Community Partnership Governance' group, which provides a regular forum for relationship building, policy development, and the exchange of information
  • annual Victorian community sector forums on topics of mutual interest, which are attended by ministers from all three education portfolios
  • the publication of Creating engaging schools for all children and young people: What works, research by the community sector identifying principles of good practice to keep children engaged at school.

Visit the Victorian Council of Social Service to find out more about the achievements.

Quarterly Governance Group Meeting communiques

Strategic Partnerships Program

The Strategic Partnerships Program (SPP) provides funding to not-for-profit organisations to deliver curriculum enrichment and enhancement programs that improve student achievement across the Victorian curriculum and/or improve teacher capability.

SPP funded programs provide opportunities that are not usually available in mainstream classrooms or professional development settings and enrich the learning experience of Victorian students.

The SPP funds programs in two distinct categories:

  • student learning
  • teacher professional learning.

2024-2025 funding period

In the current funding period, the SPP is supporting 84 programs. The programs are delivered across Victoria, including in rural and regional areas. Programs vary in subject focus, duration and intensity, ranging from one‑off excursions through to year-long mentoring and professional development programs.

View the programs and organisations funded in the current funding round.

Prioritising students less likely to have access and making an impact

SPP programs target students (or teachers of students) who are less likely to have access to curriculum enrichment and enhancement opportunities, including:

  • students from disadvantaged or low SES backgrounds
  • rural and regional students
  • students with disability
  • Koorie students
  • students with English as an Additional Language
  • students in Out of Home Care.

The SPP seeks to have a meaningful and measurable impact on the skills, knowledge and capability of participating students and teachers. All SPP‑funded organisations are required to monitor and evaluate their program, and to report on the outcomes they are achieving throughout the funding period.

Application process for the next round of the Strategic Partnerships Program

The application process for the next SPP funding round is anticipated to open in mid‑2025 (for programs commencing in January 2026) and is open and competitive.

If you would like to be notified of when the application period opens for the next funding round, please email to be added to our email list.

More information

For additional information regarding the SPP funding round, contact:
