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Drink spiking

Liquor licensees have a responsibility to provide a safe venue for patrons. Both licensees and staff should watch out for drink spiking.

As a licensee you have a responsibility to provide a safe venue for your customers. Both licensees and staff should watch out for drink spiking.

Drink spiking is when someone slips drugs or alcohol into someone else’s drink without their knowledge or consent. It can occur wherever drinks are served. It is illegal and has been linked to crimes such as sexual assault and robbery. People can be charged, fined, or jailed.

It is important to develop procedures to prevent such events occurring by:

  • ensuring a person behind the bar is trained in responsible service of alcohol, and can identify and respond when incidents happen
  • ensuring a person behind the bar is trained in an accredited first aid program if an emergency happens
  • collecting unattended glasses, and letting customers know unattended drinks will be collected for their safety.

If a drink spiking incident occurs at your venue, it is important for you and your staff to:

  • talk to the victim to see how you can help
  • find out if they are with a trusted friend who can look after them
  • call an ambulance
  • call the police
  • record the details in the incident register.

You can download our drink spiking posters to display in your venues. They encourage customers to:

  • report suspicious behaviour
  • guide staff on how to prevent drink spiking
  • respond to incidents
  • provide support services contacts to the victim.
Prevent drink spiking
PDF 683.98 KB
(opens in a new window)
Prevent drink spiking for staff
PDF 206.62 KB
(opens in a new window)
What to do when someone has been spiked
PDF 1.15 MB
(opens in a new window)
Support services
PDF 190.02 KB
(opens in a new window)

For more information on drink spiking, visit the Australian Drug Foundation website.
