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Security in licensed venues

Liquor licensees need to be aware of licence conditions they may have for security cameras and crowd controllers.

Security cameras

Late-night liquor licences may have conditions to install and maintain security cameras (surveillance recording systems). Other licence types may also have these conditions, so make sure to check your licence to confirm if you need security cameras in your venue.

New security camera standards apply from 29 July 2023, with the aim to improve safety within venues and enable better identification of people.

Cameras within a venue (including those at entry and exit points) must capture and record digital images in an unbranded format at 8 frames per second (or more).

Camera footage must include:

  • time
  • date
  • camera location/number stamps.

Areas subject to camera surveillance need to have signs informing patrons and staff that areas are under electronic surveillance.

If you have security cameras at your venue, you can display this ‘Security cameras in use’ sign at your venue.

Security cameras in use poster
PDF 1.7 MB
(opens in a new window)

Check your security camera and recording equipment

  • Your liquor licence may include conditions about the location and number of cameras within your venue.
  • Security cameras must be installed so they record activity at all entrances, exits, bars and entertainment/dance floor areas. They must be positioned to the satisfaction of the Licensing Inspector or a Liquor Control Victoria Inspector.
  • The cameras must be in operation as specified on the liquor licence, this includes before opening, when open and after closing.
  • Recordings must be kept for at least four weeks and made available for viewing and removal by an authorised member of Victoria Police or a Liquor Control Victoria Inspector.

It is important to read your licence to check for specific requirements regarding the location of cameras.

Licensed crowd controllers

Late-night liquor licences may have conditions requiring you to employ licensed crowd controllers. Other licence types may also have these conditions, so it is important to check your licence.

Crowd controllers must be licensed under the Private Security Act 2004. You can check their status on the Victoria Police website.

The standard requirement is two crowd controllers for the first 100 customers and one crowd controller for each additional 100 customers, or part thereof.

Specific licence conditions regarding crowd controllers may include:

  • what times they need to arrive and depart from your venue
  • where in your venue they should be situated
  • what they should be monitoring.

Additional conditions can be added to licences on a case-by-case basis, so make sure to check your licence to confirm your specific requirements.

You can use the template below to keep a register of crowd controllers. During compliance inspections, LCV inspectors may request to see the crowd controller register, to ensure you comply with your licence conditions.

Crowd controller register - template
Word 28.96 KB
(opens in a new window)
