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The Victorian Liquor Commission

The Victorian Liquor Commission delivers licensing, investigative, disciplinary and other regulatory functions under the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 and regulations relating to the supply and consumption of liquor in Victoria.

The Victorian Liquor Commission

The Victorian Liquor Commission delivers licensing, investigative, disciplinary and other regulatory functions under the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 (the Act) and regulations relating to the supply and consumption of liquor in Victoria.

From 1 July 2022, the Victorian Liquor Commission (the Commission) is responsible for the regulation of liquor. The Commission is supported in its functions by staff from the Department of Justice and Community Safety (DJCS).

The Commission:

  • undertakes licensing, approval, authorisation and registration activities
  • performs regulatory, investigative and disciplinary functions
  • promotes and monitors compliance
  • detects and responds to contraventions
  • provides advice to the Minister on the operation of the Act and regulations, and the Commission’s functions under the Act and regulations
  • implements Government policy in relation to the supply and consumption of liquor, and
  • informs and educates the public about the Commission’s regulatory practices and requirements.

The Commission also has a broader policy role to consider emerging issues that impact on the delivery of regulatory functions and the operation of the Act and regulations.

The Commission observes the following guidelines to disclose any relevant interests.

Victorian Liquor Commission - Disclosure of Interest Guidelines
PDF 314.02 KB
(opens in a new window)

For more information on each Commissioner, please visit Our Commissioners.

Liquor Control Victoria

The Victoria Liquor Commission is supported in delivering these functions by staff from a business unit DJCS. The Commission, together with staff from DJCS are called Liquor Control Victoria (LCV).

The establishment of a dedicated liquor regulator in Victoria was a key response to the Royal Commission into the Casino Operator and Licence (Finkelstein Royal Commission).

DJCS supports the Commission by providing operational and administrative support and by performing various regulatory functions for Victoria’s liquor industry under delegation. As a matter of practice, certain licensing, compliance and enforcement powers of the Commission are delegated to officers within DJCS, including:

  • the delivery of licensing, approval, authorisation and registration activities
  • delivering activities to support industry to comply with all laws and regulations, and to detect and respond to contraventions of the Act.

LCV has a Chief Operating Officer who is responsible for the general conduct and the effective and efficient management of our functions and activities. Divisions of LCV cover licensing, compliance and enforcement, and legal, policy and harm minimisation.

LCV organisation chart

Chief Operating Officer: Chris Carter

  • Director, Compliance: Lisa Faldon
  • Director, Licensing and Transformation: Erin Williams
  • Deputy General Counsel and Director, Legal, Policy and Harm Minimisation: Marc Fisken
Liquor Control Victoria Organisation Chart
PDF 137.3 KB
(opens in a new window)

Corporate documents

Ministerial Statement of Expectations
PDF 161.04 KB
(opens in a new window)
Victorian Liquor Commission Opening Statement PAEC Inquiry 2023
Word 35.98 KB
(opens in a new window)

Liquor Control Victoria Strategic Plan 2023 - 2026
