Supplying liquor late into the night can bring additional risk of alcohol related harms such as violence, harassment, and unacceptable levels of noise.
If you trade late at night you may be required to have additional measures in place to address these risks.
How to apply
If you do not have a licence already, you will need to apply for a new liquor licence.
If you want to trade after 1 am for any other licence category, you can use the standard application form.
See more information if you are unsure what licence category is right for you.
If you already have a general, on-premises or packaged liquor licence and now want to trade after 1 am, you will need to change the category of your liquor licence.
Late night liquor licence applications in inner-Melbourne areas
There are recognised risks of alcohol-related harm for venues that trade after 1 am.
The Minister for Casino, Gaming and Liquor Regulation has issued decision-making guidelines(opens in a new window) that must be considered by Liquor Control Victoria when assessing an application for a new liquor licence or change to an existing liquor licence authorising trading after 1 am in the 4 inner city local government areas (Melbourne, Port Phillip, Stonnington and Yarra).
Who is affected by the guidelines?
Applies to:
- applications in the local government areas of:
- Melbourne
- Port Phillip
- Yarra
- Stonnington.
- applications for the grant, relocation and variation of the following licence types:
- general
- on-premises
- late night (general and on-premises)
- renewable limited
- temporary limited.
Does not apply to:
- application for premises that are or will be used as an accommodation hotel, where the supply of alcohol is secondary to the use as an accommodation hotel.
Supplementary documents for late-night applications to address the guidelines
If you lodge an application listed above, you will need to give us some extra documents when you lodge.
You are required to give us:
- a completed Late night liquor licence supplementary form
- a Venue Management Plan that details how a venue will be managed to minimise the risk of harm from late night trading. The Plan should also address the matters in section 3 of the guidelines
- a Noise Mitigation Strategy detailing how amenity and noise (including music) will be managed under Environmental Protection Authority regulations and guidelines relating to noise(opens in a new window)
- the applicant’s history of compliance with liquor laws and Environmental Protection Authority regulations relating to noise
- a Gender-based Violence Prevention and Response Plan.
Learn more about what to include in a venue management plan.
Gender-based violence prevention and response plan
Violence against women, gender fluid, transgender and people who do not present as cisgendered is unacceptable. A gender-based violence prevention and response plan will help you manage the risks associated with gender-based violence by making sure you and your staff have the right measures in place.
This plan outlines actions to prevent and minimise gender-based violence. LCV encourages all venues to have such a plan in place, as gender-based violence can happen to anyone, anywhere.
Resources to assist applicants to develop a Gender-based Violence Prevention and Response Plan include:
- City of Melbourne: Gender safety audit checklist for licensed venues
Other measures that applicants can include in the Prevention and Response Plan include:
- implementing 'code words' at a venue for patrons feeling unsafe: see Ask for Angela(opens in a new window)
- hanging posters throughout a venue to encourage people to seek help: see Promoting 1800RESPECT(opens in a new window)
- incorporating training on violence prevention and responses into employee training.
More information on WorkSafe-accredited providers and WorkSafe resources and training to assist licensees to prevent and respond to violence(opens in a new window).
The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission also has tools to help you meet your obligations(opens in a new window).
Further domestic, family and sexual violence counselling service links are available through 1800RESPECT(opens in a new window).
Security in late-night venues
Your late night licence may have specific conditions requiring security cameras and the engagement of crowd controllers.
Visit Security in licensed venues to read what the requirements are.