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Best practice supervision information session: Family violence, sexual assault and child wellbeing

This information session showcases how the Best practice supervision resources can be utilised in training and supervisory practice in the family violence, sexual assault and child wellbeing sectors.

Elevating supervision through training

In this 90-minute session, state-wide principal practitioners, Anita Morris and Natalie Tillinger discuss how the new videos and discussion guides can be used in training and supervisory practice with guest speakers from No to Violence, Safe and Equal and Sexual Assault Services Victoria.

Watch the video

Key quotes from the session

‘Paying attention to improving supervision can have far reaching effects and be the most cost-effective way of turning around an organisation.'
- Jane Wonnacott

‘Don't impose on me what you know. I want to explore the unknown and be the source of my own discoveries.’
- Caroline Gilbert

‘I think that supervision can actually turn around and transform lives, and I think we need to always hold that in mind.'
- Anita Morris

‘I count the most significant time of my both personal and professional growth to have occurred in the context of supervision.'
- Natalie Tillinger

Attendee feedback

'Videos were excellent and really enjoyed hearing from the different speakers.'

'Very relevant, I like the recognition of lived experience as not a negative thing.'

'I liked the specific examples provided. Was great for me to think how this can be transferred to my role.'

'It was very insightful and thankful that this is now being pushed in our sector and an ongoing practice and improvement. It has given me the confidence to move forward with tools to support a new team.'

'I found Steven's insights very useful, in particular the discussion around the supervisee holding responsibility for the shape and direction of their own supervision sessions as well as discussion around supervision being of value to organisations in terms of developing a learning and growth culture within organisations. I thought that was very powerful.'



Roles and Responsibilities – Best practice supervision discussion guide (Word)
Word 459.16 KB
(opens in a new window)
Roles and Responsibilities – Best practice supervision discussion guide (PDF)
PDF 466.67 KB
(opens in a new window)
Lived experience in the workforce – Best practice supervision discussion guide (Word)
Word 463.75 KB
(opens in a new window)
Lived experience in the workforce – Best practice supervision discussion guide (PDF)
PDF 448.1 KB
(opens in a new window)


Supervision agreement

Information Sheet on four functions of supervision

Information sheet on reflective supervision

Trauma-informed principles in practice adapted from the Blue Knot Practice Guidelines

